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Paylaşım Minecraft Trol Skripti


Konu Sahibi
21 Haziran 2019


Sunucunuzda oyuncuları trollemek ister misiniz ?
Bugün sizlere Troll skriptini tanıtacağım :)

Neler var ?
-Bot Trol
-Sahte Event Trol
-Sahte Admin Troll

"/trolle" komudu ile kategori seçtikten sonra trolü etkinleştirebilirsiniz.
Yardım komudu için ise "/trolle help" yazabilirsiniz.

command /trolle [<text>]:
    permission:    trolle.all
    permission message: Unknown command. Type "/help" for help.
    usage: /trolle help
        if arg 1 is not set:
            send " &e&m/-----/&r &b&lTROLLE &e&m\-----\"
            send " &cKomutlar : &7bot , herobrine , sohbet , event , op , reset , vip "
            send " &aKullanimi: &e/trolle <komutlar>"
        if arg 1 is "help":
            send " &e&m/-----/&r &b&lTROLLE &e&m\-----\"
            send " &cKomutlar : &7bot , herobrine , sohbet , event , op , reset , vip "
            send " &aKullanimi: &e/trolle <komutlar>"
        if arg 1 is "herobrine":
            send "&eHerobrine joined the game" to players
            wait 3 seconds
            send "&8[&6TemizCocuk&8] &7Herobrine&a: &eselamun aleykum" to players
            wait 3 seconds
            send "&8[&6TemizCocuk&8] &7Herobrine&a: &eServer H4cking TURKEY HACKED" to players
            wait 3 seconds
            send "&7&o[CONSOLE: Opped Herobrine]" to players
            wait 3 seconds
            send "&8[&6Virus&8] &cHerobrine&a: &eEy Benden Medet :D server Hacked" to players
            wait 3 seconds
            execute console command "kickall &4&lSERVER TARAFINDAN TROLLENDIN. &axD"
        if arg 1 is "bot":
            send "&eSADWAXWCA joined the game" to players
            wait 1 seconds
            send "&eDSAFSA55 joined the game" to players
            wait 1 seconds
            send "&edsafas joined the game" to players
            wait 1 seconds
            send "&ebdaeeac joined the game" to players
            wait 1 seconds
            send "&eceaghagb joined the game" to players
            wait 1 seconds
            send "&eceagfveas joined the game" to players
            wait 1 seconds
            send "&efeatgeagyy joined the game" to players
            wait 1 seconds
            send "&efeasveas joined the game" to players
            wait 1 seconds
            send "&efeageaga joined the game" to players
            wait 1 seconds
            send "&evdahbagbvadg joined the game" to players
            wait 1 seconds
            send "&eagbvdagahfda joined the game" to players
            wait 1 seconds
            send "&efgvadhdafgadg joined the game" to players
            wait 1 seconds
            send "&eSADWAXWCA joined the game" to players
            wait 1 seconds
            send "&eDSAFSA55 joined the game" to players
            wait 1 seconds
            send "&edsafas joined the game" to players
            wait 1 seconds
            send "&ebdaeeac joined the game" to players
            wait 1 seconds
            send "&eceaghagb joined the game" to players
            wait 1 seconds
            send "&eceagfveas joined the game" to players
            wait 1 seconds
            send "&efeatgeagyy joined the game" to players
            wait 1 seconds
            send "&efeasveas joined the game" to players
            wait 1 seconds
            send "&efeageaga joined the game" to players
            wait 1 seconds
            send "&evdahbagbvadg joined the game" to players
            wait 1 seconds
            send "&eagbvdagahfda joined the game" to players
            wait 1 seconds
            send "&efgvadhdafgadg joined the game" to players
            wait 1 seconds
            send "&efsdafgedag joined the game" to players
            send "&efdahdagh joined the game" to players
            send "&efdagara joined the game" to players
            send "&efgasdgtrd joined the game" to players
            send "&eyurtreter joined the game" to players
            send "&eadsdascvsa joined the game" to players
            send "&easdfsafce joined the game" to players
            send "&ewqeqwrqwed joined the game" to players
            send "&edsadcrsag joined the game" to players
            send "&efasdrgras joined the game" to players
            send "&eafdsgtfeads joined the game" to players
            send "&eafvadrsag joined the game" to players
            send "&efsdafgedag joined the game" to players
            send "&efdahdagh joined the game" to players
            send "&efdagara joined the game" to players
            send "&efgasdgtrd joined the game" to players
            send "&eyurtreter joined the game" to players
            send "&eadsdascvsa joined the game" to players
            send "&easdfsafce joined the game" to players
            send "&ewqeqwrqwed joined the game" to players
            send "&edsadcrsag joined the game" to players
            send "&efasdrgras joined the game" to players
            send "&eafdsgtfeads joined the game" to players
            send "&eafvadrsag joined the game" to players
            wait 3 seconds
            send "&4[&2Server&4] &6Bu bir sahte bot saldırısıydı size özel etkinlik var birazdan gelecek envanterine :D" to players
            execute console command "give %player% 264 64"
        if arg 1 is "sohbet":
            send "&4(&cAdmin&4) &cImparator_01&7: &eSelamun Aleykum Arkadaşlar!" to players
            wait 4 seconds
            send "&4(&cAdmin&4) &cImparator_01&7: &eNasilsiniz?." to players
            wait 4 seconds
            send "&4(&cAdmin&4) &cImparator_01&7: &eSize bir sorum var !" to players
            wait 4 seconds
            send "&4(&cAdmin&4) &cImparator_01&7: &eEvent Yapimmi :D" to players
            wait 1 seconds
            send "&4(&cAdmin&4) &cImparator_01&7: &eEvent'in başlamasına son &b4 saniye" to players
            wait 1 seconds
            send "&4(&cAdmin&4) &cImparator_01&7: &eEvent'in başlamasına son &b3 saniye" to players
            wait 1 seconds
            send "&4(&cAdmin&4) &cImparator_01&7: &eEvent'in başlamasına son &b2 saniye" to players
            wait 1 seconds
            send "&4(&cAdmin&4) &cImparator_01&7: &eEvent'in başlamasına son &b1 saniye" to players
            execute console command "sil"
            wait 6 seconds
            send "&4(&cAdmin&4) &cImparator_01&7: &eEvent olmayacak arkadaşlar event sahteydi :D" to players
        if arg 1 is "event":
            send "&6[&eKAZI-EVENT&6] &aKazi Eventi Basliyor &2/warp kazieventi &a yazarak gidebilirsiniz. SON 1 Dakika Kaldi!" to players
            wait 15 seconds
            send "&6[&eKAZI-EVENT&6] &aKazi Eventi Basliyor &2/warp kazieventi &a yazarak gidebilirsiniz. SON 30 Saniye Kaldi!" to players
            wait 20 seconds
            wait 1 second
            send "&6[&eKAZI-EVENT&6] &aKazi Eventi Basliyor &2/warp kazieventi &a yazarak gidebilirsiniz. SON 3 Saniye Kaldi!" to players
            execute console command "/title:bct &4/warp kazieventi &c3 SN"
            execute console command "/playsound note.bass %players%"
            wait 1 second
            send "&6[&eKAZI-EVENT&6] &aKazi Eventi Basliyor &2/warp kazieventi &a yazarak gidebilirsiniz. SON 2 Saniye Kaldi!" to players
            execute console command "/title:bct &4/warp kazieventi &c2 SN"
            execute console command "/playsound note.bass %players%"
            wait 1 second
            send "&6[&eKAZI-EVENT&6] &aKazi Eventi Basliyor &2/warp kazieventi &a yazarak gidebilirsiniz. SON 1 Saniye Kaldi!" to players
            execute console command "/title:bct &4/warp kazieventi &c1 SN"
            wait 1 second
            send "&6[&eKAZI-EVENT&6] &aAGA SERVER TARAFINDAN TROLLENDIN." to players
            send "&6[&eKAZI-EVENT&6] &aAGA SERVER TARAFINDAN TROLLENDIN." to players
            send "&6[&eKAZI-EVENT&6] &aAGA SERVER TARAFINDAN TROLLENDIN." to players
            send "&6[&eKAZI-EVENT&6] &cEVENT YOK AGA xD" to players
        if arg 1 is "op":
            send "&7&o[CONSOLE: Opped Bot1]" to players
            wait 1 second
            send "&7&o[CONSOLE: Opped Bot2]" to players
            wait 1 second
            send "&7&o[CONSOLE: Opped Bot3]" to players
            wait 1 second
            send "&7&o[CONSOLE: Opped Bot4]" to players
            wait 1 second
            send "&7&o[CONSOLE: Opped Bot5]" to players
            wait 1 second
            send "&7&o[CONSOLE: Opped Bot6]" to players
            wait 1 second
            send "&7&o[CONSOLE: Opped Bot7]" to players
            wait 1 second
            send "&7&o[CONSOLE: Opped Bot8]" to players
            wait 1 second
            send "&7&o[CONSOLE: Opped Bot9]" to players
            wait 1 second
            send "&7&o[CONSOLE: Opped Bot10]" to players
            wait 1 second
            send "&7&o[CONSOLE: Opped Bot11]" to players
            wait 1 second
            send "&7&o[CONSOLE: Opped list]" to players
            send "&7&l> &cOP OLDUN AGA TEBRIKLER" to players
        if arg 1 is "reset":
            send "&d[SERVER]: RESTART" to players
            wait 3 second
            send "&d[SERVER]: ~3~" to players
            wait 2 second
            send "&d[SERVER]: ~2~" to players
            wait 2 second
            send "&d[SERVER]: ~1~" to players
            wait 4 second
            send "&d[SERVER]: Server Stoped" to players
            wait 5 second
            send "&d[SERVER]: Haci Bekle kapancak xD" to players
            wait 1 second
            send "&d[SERVER]: Bak az kaldi :D" to players
            wait 1 second
            send "&d[SERVER]: AGA GENE TROLLENDIN :D" to players
        if arg 1 is "vip":
            send "&d[&eVipEvent&d] &aVip Cekilisi Basladi." to players
            wait 3 second
            send "&d[&eVipEvent&d] &aVip Seciliyor Son &c3 sn &a." to players
            wait 2 second
            send "&d[&eVipEvent&d] &aTebrikler Aga! TitanVip Kazandin!" to players
            wait 2 second
            send "&d[&eVipEvent&d] &aVipin veriliyor aga" to players
            wait 4 second
            send "&d[&eVipEvent&d] &aPardon Bu fake VipEventi XD" to players
            send "&d[&eVipEvent&d] &aArtik Baska bir zaman aga." to players
            wait 1 second
            send "&cSERVER TARAFINDAN TROLLENDIN" to players

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