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Paylaşım Gelişmiş Spawner Skript'i


Konu Sahibi
15 Nisan 2019
#            Skript: Cehennem Tarafından Yazılmışdır              #
#  Gerekli Destek için https://discord.gg/dXWstZ Adresine Bekleriz          # 
#            Silmeyin Emeye Saqı Oyunucularınz Görmez                   #

    prefix: &6&lCehennem &c» #Sunucu Isim
    dunya: ASkyBlock #Spawnerler Hangi koyula bilir ? SkyBlock sunuclar için (ASkyBlock)
    dadet: 1 #Demir SP Kac Tane versin ?
    dsure: 40 #Demir SP Kac Saniyede atsın (Not:20 = 1 Saniye 60 = 3 Saniye)
    dbadet: 1 #DemirBlok SP Kac Tane versin ?
    dbsure: 40 #DemirBlok SP Kac Saniyede atsın (Not:20 = 1 Saniye 60 = 3 Saniye)   
    abadet: 1 #AltınBlok SP Kac Tane versin ?
    absure: 60 #AltınBlok SP Kac Saniyede atsın (Not:20 = 1 Saniye 100 = 5 Saniye)
    zbadet: 1 #ZümrütBlok SP Kac Tane versin ?
    zbsure: 100 #ZümrütBlok SP Kac Saniyede atsın (Not:20 = 1 Saniye 200 = 10 Saniye)
    ebadet: 1 #ElmasBlok SP Kac Tane versin ?
    ebsure: 120 #ElmasBlok SP Kac Saniyede atsın (Not:20 = 1 Saniye 300 = 15 Saniye)

on place:
    if player's world is "{@dunya}":
        if name of player's tool contains "&6Altin Blok &7Spawner":
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            set {_x} to x coord of event-location
            set {_y} to y coord of event-location
            set {_z} to z coord of event-location
            send "{@prefix} &7Basariyla &6Altin Blok &7Spawner'i yerlestirdin."
            execute player command  "setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:minecraft:gold_block,Count:3b}},SpawnCount:200,SpawnRange:1,RequiredPlayerRange:140,Delay:60,MinSpawnDelay:{@absure},MaxSpawnDelay:{@absure},MaxNearbyEntities:{@abadet}}"
            execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            set {_1} to location of event-block
            add {_1} to {altinblok::*}           
        if name of player's tool contains "&bElmas Blok &7Spawner":
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            set {_x} to x coord of event-location
            set {_y} to y coord of event-location
            set {_z} to z coord of event-location
            send "{@prefix} &7Basariyla &bElmask Blok &7Spawner'i yerlestirdin."
            execute player command  "setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:minecraft:diamond_block,Count:3b}},SpawnCount:240,SpawnRange:1,RequiredPlayerRange:140,Delay:60,MinSpawnDelay:{@ebsure},MaxSpawnDelay:{@ebsure},MaxNearbyEntities:{@ebadet}"
            execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            set {_1} to location of event-block
            add {_1} to {elmasblok::*}           
        if name of player's tool contains "&aZumrut Blok &7Spawner":
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            set {_x} to x coord of event-location
            set {_y} to y coord of event-location
            set {_z} to z coord of event-location
            send "{@prefix} &7Basariyla &aZumrut Blok &7Spawner'i yerlestirdin."
            execute player command  "setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:minecraft:emerald_block,Count:3b}},SpawnCount:300,SpawnRange:1,RequiredPlayerRange:140,Delay:60,MinSpawnDelay:{@zbsure},MaxSpawnDelay:{@zbsure},MaxNearbyEntities:{@zbadet}}"
            execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            set {_1} to location of event-block
            add {_1} to {zumrutblok::*}           
        if name of player's tool contains "&fDemir Blok &7Spawner":
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            set {_x} to x coord of event-location
            set {_y} to y coord of event-location
            set {_z} to z coord of event-location
            send "{@prefix} &7Basariyla &fDemir Blok &7Spawner'i yerlestirdin."
            execute player command  "setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:minecraft:iron_block,Count:3b}},SpawnCount:140,SpawnRange:1,RequiredPlayerRange:140,Delay:60,MinSpawnDelay:{@dbsure},MaxSpawnDelay:{@dbsure},MaxNearbyEntities:{@dbadet}}"
            execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            set {_1} to location of event-block
            add {_1} to {demirblok::*}           
        if name of player's tool contains "&fDemir &7Spawner":
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            set {_x} to x coord of event-location
            set {_y} to y coord of event-location
            set {_z} to z coord of event-location
            send "{@prefix} &7Basariyla &fDemir &7Spawner'i yerlestirdin."
            execute player command  "setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:minecraft:iron_ingot,Count:3b}},SpawnCount:140,SpawnRange:1,RequiredPlayerRange:140,Delay:60,MinSpawnDelay:{@dsure},MaxSpawnDelay:{@dsure},MaxNearbyEntities:{@dadet}}"
            execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            set {_1} to location of event-block
            add {_1} to {demir::*}
        if name of player's tool contains "&6Altin Blok &7Spawner":
            send "{@prefix} &7Bu dunyada spawner aktif degildir!" to player
            cancel event
        if name of player's tool contains "&bElmas Blok &7Spawner":
            send "{@prefix} &7Bu dunyada spawner aktif degildir!" to player
            cancel event
        if name of player's tool contains "&aZumrut Blok &7Spawner":
            send "{@prefix} &7Bu dunyada spawner aktif degildir!" to player
            cancel event
        if name of player's tool contains "&fDemir Blok &7Spawner":
            send "{@prefix} &7Bu dunyada spawner aktif degildir!" to player
            cancel event
        if name of player's tool contains "&fDemir &7Spawner":
            send "{@prefix} &7Bu dunyada spawner aktif degildir!" to player
            cancel event
on break of mob spawner:
    tool of player is any pickaxe
    set {_1} to location of event-block
    loop {altinblok::*}:
        loop-value is {_1}
        cancel event
        set block at {_1} to air
        execute console command "give %player% 15 1 name:&6Altin_Blok_&7Spawner"
        remove {_1} from {altinblok::*}
    loop {elmasblok::*}:
        loop-value is {_1}
        cancel event
        set block at {_1} to air
        execute console command "give %player% 15 1 name:&bElmas_Blok_&7Spawner"
        remove {_1} from {elmasblok::*}
    loop {zumrutblok::*}:
        loop-value is {_1}
        cancel event
        set block at {_1} to air
        execute console command "give %player% 15 1 name:&aZumrut_Blok_&7Spawner"
        remove {_1} from {zumrutblok::*}
    loop {demirblok::*}:
        loop-value is {_1}
        cancel event
        set block at {_1} to air
        execute console command "give %player% 15 1 name:&fDemir_Blok_&7Spawner"
        remove {_1} from {demirblok::*}
    loop {demir::*}:
        loop-value is {_1}
        cancel event
        set block at {_1} to air
        execute console command "give %player% 15 1 name:&fDemir_&7Spawner"
        remove {_1} from {demir::*}   
command /isp <text> <player> <int>:
    permission: spawner.ver
    usage: &3/isp (ab,eb,zb,db,d) (Oyuncu) (Adet)
        if arg-1 is "ab":
            execute console command "give %arg 2% 15 %arg 3% name:&6Altin_Blok_&7Spawner"
        if arg-1 is "eb":
            execute console command "give %arg 2% 15 %arg 3% name:&bElmas_Blok_&7Spawner"
        if arg-1 is "zb":
            execute console command "give %arg 2% 15 %arg 3% name:&aZumrut_Blok_&7Spawner"
        if arg-1 is "db":
            execute console command "give %arg 2% 15 %arg 3% name:&fDemir_Blok_&7Spawner"
        if arg-1 is "d":
            execute console command "give %arg 2% 15 %arg 3% name:&fDemir_&7Spawner"                       
on quit:
    execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"

on join:
    delete {cd.%player%}

on place:   
    if name of player's tool contains "&fDemir &7Spawner":
        if {cd.%player%} is not set:
            set {cd.%player%} to true
            wait 3 second
            delete {cd.%player%}
            cancel event
            remove {_1} from {demir::*}   
            send "{@prefix} &cYavas ol kanka &e3 &csaniyede bir spawner koya bilirsin"
on place:   
    if name of player's tool contains "&fDemir Blok &7Spawner":
        if {cd.%player%} is not set:
            set {cd.%player%} to true
            wait 3 second
            delete {cd.%player%}
            cancel event
            remove {_1} from {demirblok::*}   
            send "{@prefix} &cYavas ol kanka &e3 &csaniyede bir spawner koya bilirsin"

on place:   
    if name of player's tool contains "&aZumrut Blok &7Spawner":
        if {cd.%player%} is not set:
            set {cd.%player%} to true
            wait 3 second
            delete {cd.%player%}
            cancel event
            remove {_1} from {zumrutblok::*}   
            send "{@prefix} &cYavas ol kanka &e3 &csaniyede bir spawner koya bilirsin"

on place:   
    if name of player's tool contains "&bElmas Blok &7Spawner":
        if {cd.%player%} is not set:
            set {cd.%player%} to true
            wait 3 second
            delete {cd.%player%}
            cancel event
            remove {_1} from {elmasblok::*}   
            send "{@prefix} &cYavas ol kanka &e3 &csaniyede bir spawner koya bilirsin"           

on place:   
    if name of player's tool contains "&6Altin Blok &7Spawner":
        if {cd.%player%} is not set:
            set {cd.%player%} to true
            wait 3 second
            delete {cd.%player%}
            cancel event
            remove {_1} from {altinblok::*}   
            send "{@prefix} &cYavas ol kanka &e3 &csaniyede bir spawner koya bilirsin"


Sanma ki yaşıyorum..
10 Haziran 2019
Güzel bir skripte benziyor ama şahsen bende plugini varken skriptini kullanmayı pek tercih etmem