Konu Sahibi
Gece Görüşü (NightVision) Skripti
Oyuncularınızın komut kullanarak gece görüşünü aktif etmesini sağlayabilirsiniz.
nightvision.nv yetkisini oyuncularınıza vererek /nv veya /nightvision komutunu kullanmalarını sağlayabilirsiniz.
Skript Kodları
Oyuncularınızın komut kullanarak gece görüşünü aktif etmesini sağlayabilirsiniz.
nightvision.nv yetkisini oyuncularınıza vererek /nv veya /nightvision komutunu kullanmalarını sağlayabilirsiniz.
Skript Kodları
perm: nightvision
command /nightvision [<text>] [<offline player>]:
permission: {@perm}.nv
permission message: &cYou don't have permission to use this command!
aliases: /nv
set {_prefix} to "&8[&dNightVision&8]"
set {_enable-player} to "&9Night Vision &7has been &2Enabled &7for &9%arg-2%"
set {_disable-player} to "&9Night Vision &7has been &cDisabled &7for &9%arg-2%"
set {_enable} to "&9Night Vision &7has been &2Enabled"
set {_disable} to "&9Night Vision &7has been &cDisabled"
if arg 1 is not set:
arg 2 is not set:
send "%{_prefix}% &7to use this command do &9/nightvision help"
if arg 1 is "help":
arg 2 isn't set:
send "&8&m--------------------"
send ""
send " &9/nightvision &7| &9/nv &aon&7/&coff"
if player has permission "{@perm}.admin.command":
send " &9/nightvision &7| &9/nv &aon&7/&coff &7<player>"
send " &9/nightvision &7| &9/nv &7help"
send " &9/nightvision &7| &9/nv &7reload"
send " &9/nightvision &7| &9/nv &7permission"
send ""
send "&8&m--------------------"
if arg 1 is "reload":
arg 2 isn't set:
if player has permission "{@perm}.reload":
make console execute command "sk reload NightVision"
if player doesn't have permission "{@perm}.reload":
send "&cYou don't have permission to run this command!"
if arg 1 is "permission":
arg 2 isn't set:
if player has permission "{@perm}.permission":
send "&7&m-------------------------"
send ""
send "&9{@perm}.nv &7gives access to the &o/nightvision&7 command."
send "&9{@perm}.admin.command &7Allows you to view other admin commands."
send "&9{@perm}.reload &7Allows you to reload the skript."
send "&9{@perm}.permission &7Show's all permission for the commands."
send "&9{@perm}.nv.others &7Allows you to enable and disable other players NightVision."
send ""
send "&7&m-------------------------"
if player doesn't have permission "{@perm}.permission":
send "&cYou don't have permission to use this command."
if arg 1 is "on":
if arg 2 isn't set:
apply night vision to player for 9999 days
send "%{_prefix}% &9Night Vision&7 has been &aEnabled!"
else if player has permission "{@perm}.nv.others":
if arg 2 is set:
apply night vision to player for 9999 days
send "%{_prefix}% &9Night Vision&7 has been &aEnabled! &7for %arg 2%"
send "&cYou don't have permission to enabled other players Night Vision"
if arg 1 is "off":
if arg 2 isn't set:
remove night vision from player
send "%{_prefix}% &9Night Vision&7 has been &cDisabled!"
else if player has permission "{@perm}.nv.others":
if arg 2 is set:
remove night vision from player
send "%{_prefix}% &9Night Vision&7 has been &cDisabled! &7for %arg 2%"
send "&cYou don't have permission to disabled other players Night Vision"