Burak Aydemir
Konu Sahibi
- Katılım
- 25 Ekim 2019
- Mesajlar
- 18
/enchant esyalar
Amacı: Sanal büyü sistemidir, üşengeç bir insan olduğum için 3 4 büyü ekledim buda baya zamanımı aldı ileriki güncellemelerde iyleştirmeler ve gereksiz kullandığım kodları kaldımayı planlıyorum şuanlık hali budur.
Not: Enchant için essentials'ı kullandım sebebi ise configten ayarladığınız seviyeyi okutmam gerekiyordu.
Üst seviyelerde büyü bastırıcaksanız.
» unsafe-enchantments: true
Açınız essentials'ın config'inden
Büyü masası görüntüsü!
Yükseltme menüsü!
Büyü basma menüsü!
Büyü basınca gelen mesajlar!
Büyü masasını koymak veya kaldırmak için /enchantultra esyalar
Config kısmına geçelim.
Gerekli addonlar:
TuSKe 1.8.3-PikachuPatch-v3
Ziyaretçiler için gizlenmiş link,görmek için
Giriş yap veya üye ol.
Not: Skript-yaml'yi çok fazla kullanmayı bilmediğim için biraz acemiyce oldu kusura bakmayın!
{buyuseviyesi.%player%} = 1
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Büyü masası Yükseltme ücretleri!
seviye1: 2500
seviye2: 2500
seviye3: 2500
seviye4: 2500
seviye5: 2500
# Büyü masası ücretleri!
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# istenilcek para ücretleri!
seviye1para: 2500
seviye2para: 2500
seviye3para: 2500
seviye4para: 2500
seviye5para: 2500
# istenilcek para ücretleri!
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# istenilcek xp ücretleri!(yakında)
seviye1xp: 10
seviye2xp: 20
seviye3xp: 30
seviye4xp: 40
seviye5xp: 50
# istenilcek xp ücretleri!(yakında)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
on load:
wait 1 ticks
if file "plugins/EnchantUltra/Mesajlar.yml" doesn't exists:
create file "plugins/EnchantUltra/Mesajlar.yml"
set "kodlayan" to " &cBurak&fAyzz &7| &cEnchant Ultra" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/Mesajlar.yml"
set "Sunucu İsmi" to "&cEnchant Ultra &7&l» " in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/Mesajlar.yml"
set "Basariyla tamamlandi" to "&aEnchant basariyla tamamlandi!" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/Mesajlar.yml"
set "Basarisiz" to "&cIslem basarisiz oldu!" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/Mesajlar.yml"
set "Ust level" to "&aBasariyla Buyu masasi leveli yukseltildi&7:" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/Mesajlar.yml"
set "Yukseltilemedi" to "&cBuyu masasi leveli yukseltilemedi!" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/Mesajlar.yml"
set "Yetki mesaji" to "&cYetkin yok!" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/Mesajlar.yml"
set "Hata" to "&cBir hata meydana geldi yöneticiye bildirin!" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/Mesajlar.yml"
set "Yükseltme Mesaji" to "&cBüyü masanizin gelismesi icin gereken para&7:" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/Mesajlar.yml"
set "Buyu ucreti para mesaji" to "&cIstenilen Para&7:" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/Mesajlar.yml"
set "Buyu ucreti xp mesaji" to "&cIstenilen XP&7:" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/Mesajlar.yml"
set "Yetersiz para" to "&cParaniz yeterli degil!&7:" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/Mesajlar.yml"
if file "plugins/EnchantUltra/ayarlar.yml" doesn't exists:
create file "plugins/EnchantUltra/ayarlar.yml"
set "EnchantUltra " to " BurakAyzz" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/ayarlar.yml"
set " to " to " to " in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/ayarlar.yml"
set " to " to " to " in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/ayarlar.yml"
set "Hologram" to "Aktif" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/ayarlar.yml"
set "Efekt1" to "Aktif" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/ayarlar.yml"
set "Efekt2" to "Aktif" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/ayarlar.yml"
set "Efekt3" to "Aktif" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/ayarlar.yml"
set "Efekt4" to "Aktif" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/ayarlar.yml"
set "Efekt5" to "Aktif" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/ayarlar.yml"
set "Efekt6" to "Aktif" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/ayarlar.yml"
set "Efekt7" to "Aktif" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/ayarlar.yml"
set "Ses" to "Aktif" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/ayarlar.yml"
set "Para" to "Aktif" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/ayarlar.yml"
set "Xp" to "Yakinda" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/ayarlar.yml"
if file "plugins/EnchantUltra/kilicbuyuleri.yml" doesn't exists:
create file "plugins/EnchantUltra/kilicbuyuleri.yml"
set "Level 1 Keskinlik" to "1" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/kilicbuyuleri.yml"
set "Level 1 Darbe" to "3" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/kilicbuyuleri.yml"
set "Level 1 Atesten Cehre" to "1" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/kilicbuyuleri.yml"
set "Level 1 Kirilmazlik" to "1" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/kilicbuyuleri.yml"
set "Level 2 Keskinlik" to "4" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/kilicbuyuleri.yml"
set "Level 2 Darbe" to "4" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/kilicbuyuleri.yml"
set "Level 2 Atesten Cehre" to "2" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/kilicbuyuleri.yml"
set "Level 2 Kirilmazlik" to "2" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/kilicbuyuleri.yml"
set "Level 3 Keskinlik" to "5" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/kilicbuyuleri.yml"
set "Level 3 Darbe" to "5" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/kilicbuyuleri.yml"
set "Level 3 Atesten Cehre" to "3" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/kilicbuyuleri.yml"
set "Level 3 Kirilmazlik" to "3" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/kilicbuyuleri.yml"
set "Level 4 Keskinlik" to "6" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/kilicbuyuleri.yml"
set "Level 4 Darbe" to "6" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/kilicbuyuleri.yml"
set "Level 4 Atesten Cehre" to "4" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/kilicbuyuleri.yml"
set "Level 4 Kirilmazlik" to "4" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/kilicbuyuleri.yml"
set "Level 5 Keskinlik" to "7" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/kilicbuyuleri.yml"
set "Level 5 Darbe" to "7" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/kilicbuyuleri.yml"
set "Level 5 Atesten Cehre" to "5" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/kilicbuyuleri.yml"
set "Level 5 Kirilmazlik" to "5" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/kilicbuyuleri.yml"
if file "plugins/EnchantUltra/setbuyuleri.yml" doesn't exists:
create file "plugins/EnchantUltra/setbuyuleri.yml"
set "Level 1 Koruma" to "3" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/setbuyuleri.yml"
set "Level 1 Dikenler" to "3" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/setbuyuleri.yml"
set "Level 1 Kirilmazlik" to "1" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/setbuyuleri.yml"
set "Level 2 Koruma" to "4" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/setbuyuleri.yml"
set "Level 2 Dikenler" to "4" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/setbuyuleri.yml"
set "Level 2 Kirilmazlik" to "2" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/setbuyuleri.yml"
set "Level 3 Koruma" to "5" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/setbuyuleri.yml"
set "Level 3 Dikenler" to "5" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/setbuyuleri.yml"
set "Level 3 Kirilmazlik" to "3" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/setbuyuleri.yml"
set "Level 4 Koruma" to "6" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/setbuyuleri.yml"
set "Level 4 Dikenler" to "6" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/setbuyuleri.yml"
set "Level 4 Kirilmazlik" to "4" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/setbuyuleri.yml"
set "Level 5 Koruma" to "7" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/setbuyuleri.yml"
set "Level 5 Dikenler" to "7" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/setbuyuleri.yml"
set "Level 5 Kirilmazlik" to "5" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/setbuyuleri.yml"
if file "plugins/EnchantUltra/esyabuyuleri.yml" doesn't exists:
create file "plugins/EnchantUltra/esyabuyuleri.yml"
set "Level 1 Verimlilik" to "3" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/esyabuyuleri.yml"
set "Level 1 Servet" to "3" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/esyabuyuleri.yml"
set "Level 1 Kirilmazlik" to "1" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/esyabuyuleri.yml"
set "Level 2 Verimlilik" to "4" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/esyabuyuleri.yml"
set "Level 2 Servet" to "4" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/esyabuyuleri.yml"
set "Level 2 Kirilmazlik" to "2" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/esyabuyuleri.yml"
set "Level 3 Verimlilik" to "5" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/esyabuyuleri.yml"
set "Level 3 Servet" to "5" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/esyabuyuleri.yml"
set "Level 3 Kirilmazlik" to "3" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/esyabuyuleri.yml"
set "Level 4 Verimlilik" to "6" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/esyabuyuleri.yml"
set "Level 4 Servet" to "6" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/esyabuyuleri.yml"
set "Level 4 Kirilmazlik" to "4" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/esyabuyuleri.yml"
set "Level 5 Verimlilik" to "7" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/esyabuyuleri.yml"
set "Level 5 Servet" to "7" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/esyabuyuleri.yml"
set "Level 5 Kirilmazlik" to "5" in yaml file "plugins/EnchantUltra/esyabuyuleri.yml"
on load:
wait 5 ticks
set {hologram} to single value "Hologram" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/ayarlar.yml"
set {Efekt1} to single value "Efekt1" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/ayarlar.yml"
set {Efekt2} to single value "Efekt2" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/ayarlar.yml"
set {Efekt3} to single value "Efekt3" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/ayarlar.yml"
set {Efekt4} to single value "Efekt4" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/ayarlar.yml"
set {Efekt5} to single value "Efekt5" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/ayarlar.yml"
set {Efekt6} to single value "Efekt6" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/ayarlar.yml"
set {Efekt7} to single value "Efekt7" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/ayarlar.yml"
set {Ses} to single value "Ses" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/ayarlar.yml"
set {Para} to single value "Para" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/ayarlar.yml"
set {Xp} to single value "Xp" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/ayarlar.yml"
set {buyuucretiseviye1para} to single value "Seviye 1 PARA" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/buyuucretleri.yml"
set {buyuucretiseviye2para} to single value "Seviye 2 PARA" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/buyuucretleri.yml"
set {buyuucretiseviye3para} to single value "Seviye 3 PARA" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/buyuucretleri.yml"
set {buyuucretiseviye4para} to single value "Seviye 4 PARA" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/buyuucretleri.yml"
set {buyuucretiseviye5para} to single value "Seviye 5 PARA" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/buyuucretleri.yml"
set {buyuucretiseviye1xp} to single value "Seviye 1 XP" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/buyuucretleri.yml"
set {buyuucretiseviye2xp} to single value "Seviye 2 XP" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/buyuucretleri.yml"
set {buyuucretiseviye3xp} to single value "Seviye 3 XP" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/buyuucretleri.yml"
set {buyuucretiseviye4xp} to single value "Seviye 4 XP" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/buyuucretleri.yml"
set {buyuucretiseviye5xp} to single value "Seviye 5 XP" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/buyuucretleri.yml"
set {kodlayan} to single value "kodlayan" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/Mesajlar.yml"
set {Sunucuİsmi} to single value "Sunucu İsmi" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/Mesajlar.yml"
set {Yetkimesaji} to single value "Yetki mesaji" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/Mesajlar.yml"
set {Basariylatamamlandi} to single value "Basariyla tamamlandi" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/Mesajlar.yml"
set {dogrucevap} to single value "Dogru Cevap" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/Mesajlar.yml"
set {Hata} to single value "Hata" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/Mesajlar.yml"
set {ustlevel} to single value "Ust level" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/Mesajlar.yml"
set {Buyuucretiparamesaji} to single value "Buyu ucreti para mesaji" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/Mesajlar.yml"
set {Buyuucretixpmesaji} to single value "Buyu ucreti para mesaji" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/Mesajlar.yml"
set {yükseltmemesaji} to single value "Yükseltme Mesaji" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/mesajlar.yml"
set {yetersizpara} to single value "Yetersiz Para" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/Mesajlar.yml"
set {Oyunbasladi1} to single value "Oyun basladi1" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/Mesajlar.yml"
set {Oyunbasladi2} to single value "Oyun basladi2" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/Mesajlar.yml"
set {Oyunbasladi3} to single value "Oyun basladi3" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/Mesajlar.yml"
set {Oyunbasladi4} to single value "Oyun basladi4" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/Mesajlar.yml"
set {hediyekomut1} to single value "Hediye Komut 1" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/ayarlar.yml"
set {hediyekomut2} to single value "Hediye Komut 2" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/ayarlar.yml"
set {Level1Keskinlik} to single value "Level 1 Keskinlik" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/kilicbuyuleri.yml"
set {Level1Darbe} to single value "Level 1 Darbe" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/kilicbuyuleri.yml"
set {Level1Atestencehre} to single value "Level 1 Atesten Cehre" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/kilicbuyuleri.yml"
set {Level1kirilmazlik} to single value "Level 1 Kirilmazlik" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/kilicbuyuleri.yml"
set {Level2Keskinlik} to single value "Level 2 Keskinlik" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/kilicbuyuleri.yml"
set {Level2Darbe} to single value "Level 2 Darbe" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/kilicbuyuleri.yml"
set {Level2Atestencehre} to single value "Level 2 Atesten Cehre" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/kilicbuyuleri.yml"
set {Level2kirilmazlik} to single value "Level 2 Kirilmazlik" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/kilicbuyuleri.yml"
set {Level3Keskinlik} to single value "Level 3 Keskinlik" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/kilicbuyuleri.yml"
set {Level3Darbe} to single value "Level 3 Darbe" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/kilicbuyuleri.yml"
set {Level3Atestencehre} to single value "Level 3 Atesten Cehre" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/kilicbuyuleri.yml"
set {Level3kirilmazlik} to single value "Level 3 Kirilmazlik" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/kilicbuyuleri.yml"
set {Level4Keskinlik} to single value "Level 4 Keskinlik" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/kilicbuyuleri.yml"
set {Level4Darbe} to single value "Level 4 Darbe" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/kilicbuyuleri.yml"
set {Level4Atestencehre} to single value "Level 4 Atesten Cehre" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/kilicbuyuleri.yml"
set {Level4kirilmazlik} to single value "Level 4 Kirilmazlik" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/kilicbuyuleri.yml"
set {Level5Keskinlik} to single value "Level 5 Keskinlik" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/kilicbuyuleri.yml"
set {Level5Darbe} to single value "Level 5 Darbe" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/kilicbuyuleri.yml"
set {Level5Atestencehre} to single value "Level 5 Atesten Cehre" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/kilicbuyuleri.yml"
set {Level5kirilmazlik} to single value "Level 5 Kirilmazlik" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/kilicbuyuleri.yml"
set {Level1Koruma} to single value "Level 1 Koruma" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/setbuyuleri.yml"
set {Level2Koruma} to single value "Level 2 Koruma" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/setbuyuleri.yml"
set {Level3Koruma} to single value "Level 3 Koruma" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/setbuyuleri.yml"
set {Level4Koruma} to single value "Level 4 Koruma" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/setbuyuleri.yml"
set {Level5Koruma} to single value "Level 5 Koruma" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/setbuyuleri.yml"
set {Level1Dikenler} to single value "Level 1 Dikenler" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/setbuyuleri.yml"
set {Level2Dikenler} to single value "Level 2 Dikenler" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/setbuyuleri.yml"
set {Level3Dikenler} to single value "Level 3 Dikenler" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/setbuyuleri.yml"
set {Level4Dikenler} to single value "Level 4 Dikenler" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/setbuyuleri.yml"
set {Level5Dikenler} to single value "Level 5 Dikenler" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/setbuyuleri.yml"
set {Level1Kirilmazlik} to single value "Level 1 Kirilmazlik" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/setbuyuleri.yml"
set {Level2Kirilmazlik} to single value "Level 2 Kirilmazlik" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/setbuyuleri.yml"
set {Level3Kirilmazlik} to single value "Level 3 Kirilmazlik" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/setbuyuleri.yml"
set {Level4Kirilmazlik} to single value "Level 4 Kirilmazlik" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/setbuyuleri.yml"
set {Level5Kirilmazlik} to single value "Level 5 Kirilmazlik" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/setbuyuleri.yml"
set {Level1Verimlilik} to single value "Level 1 Verimlilik" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/esyabuyuleri.yml"
set {Level2Verimlilik} to single value "Level 2 Verimlilik" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/esyabuyuleri.yml"
set {Level3Verimlilik} to single value "Level 3 Verimlilik" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/esyabuyuleri.yml"
set {Level4Verimlilik} to single value "Level 4 Verimlilik" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/esyabuyuleri.yml"
set {Level5Verimlilik} to single value "Level 5 Verimlilik" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/esyabuyuleri.yml"
set {Level1Servet} to single value "Level 1 Servet" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/esyabuyuleri.yml"
set {Level2Servet} to single value "Level 2 Servet" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/esyabuyuleri.yml"
set {Level3Servet} to single value "Level 3 Servet" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/esyabuyuleri.yml"
set {Level4Servet} to single value "Level 4 Servet" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/esyabuyuleri.yml"
set {Level5Servet} to single value "Level 5 Servet" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/esyabuyuleri.yml"
set {Level1Kirilmazlik} to single value "Level 1 Kirilmazlik" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/esyabuyuleri.yml"
set {Level2Kirilmazlik} to single value "Level 2 Kirilmazlik" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/esyabuyuleri.yml"
set {Level3Kirilmazlik} to single value "Level 3 Kirilmazlik" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/esyabuyuleri.yml"
set {Level4Kirilmazlik} to single value "Level 4 Kirilmazlik" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/esyabuyuleri.yml"
set {Level5Kirilmazlik} to single value "Level 5 Kirilmazlik" get of "plugins/EnchantUltra/esyabuyuleri.yml"
on load:
loop {hologram::*}:
stopEffect id "%loop-value%"
stopEffect id "%loop-value%-1"
stopEffect id "%loop-value%-2"
stopEffect id "%loop-value%-3"
stopEffect id "%loop-value%-4"
stopEffect id "%loop-value%-5"
stopEffect id "%loop-value%-6"
wait 1 ticks
if {hologram} is "Aktif":
delete holo object "%loop-value%"
wait 1 ticks
create holo object "ItemStack:%{_esya}%;&r;&aSeviye&7: &6Sol tikla!;&aYukseltme menusu için &csağ &atıkla!;&r" with id "%location of loop-value%" at block above above loop-value
if {Efekt1} is "Aktif":
drawHalo particle "smokelarge", RGB 0, 0, 0, center loop-value, id "%loop-value%", rainbowMode true, solid true, density 10, visibleRange 32
if {Efekt2} is "Aktif":
drawHalo particle "flame", RGB 0, 0, 0, center loop-value, id "%loop-value%-5", rainbowMode true, solid true, density 10, visibleRange 32
if {Efekt3} is "Aktif":
drawComplexCircle particle "redstone", RGB 5, 255, 193, center loop-value, id "%loop-value%-4", randomRotation true, radius .8, density 20, start 0, visibleRange 100, xRotation 23, yRotation 120, zRotation 0
if {Efekt4} is "Aktif":
drawComplexCircle particle "redstone", RGB 0, 255, 0, center loop-value, id "%loop-value%-1", randomRotation false, radius .8, density 20, start 0, visibleRange 100, xRotation 70, yRotation 10, zRotation 0
if {Efekt5} is "Aktif":
drawComplexCircle particle "redstone", RGB 255, 0, 0, center loop-value, id "%loop-value%-2", randomRotation false, radius .8, density 20, start 0, visibleRange 100, xRotation 0, yRotation 60, zRotation 0
if {Efekt6} is "Aktif":
drawComplexCircle particle "redstone", RGB 0, 0, 255, center loop-value, id "%loop-value%-3", randomRotation true, radius .8, density 20, start 0, visibleRange 100, xRotation 25, yRotation 54, zRotation 0
if {Efekt7} is "Aktif":
drawWings style 7, particle1 "redstone", RGB 255, 0, 204, particle2 "redstone", RGB2 190, 0, 255, particle3 "redstone", RGB3 250, 102, 255, center loop-value, id "%loop-value%-6", angle 110, height 0, space 0.2, visibleRange 30, tps 0, second 3
if {Ses} is "Aktif":
play "NOTE_PLING" to players at volume 100.0
play "LEVEL_UP" to players at volume 100.0
on leftclick on enchantment table:
if name of tool of player is "&eKaldır":
if event-block is enchantment table:
delete holo object "%event-location%"
wait 1 ticks
remove event-location from {hologram::%event-location%}
stopEffect id "%event-location%"
stopEffect id "%event-location%-1"
stopEffect id "%event-location%-2"
stopEffect id "%event-location%-3"
stopEffect id "%event-location%-4"
stopEffect id "%event-location%-5"
stopEffect id "%event-location%-6"
send "&c%event-location%"
loop {hologram::*}:
if event-location is loop-value:
cancel event
if {hologram} is "Aktif":
delete holo object "%event-location%"
wait 1 ticks
create holo object "ItemStack:%{_esya}%;&r;&aSeviye&7: &6%{buyuseviyesi.%player%}%;&aYukseltme menusu için &csağ &atıkla!;&r" with id "%location of event-location%" at block above above event-location
open chest with 1 rows named "&eBuyu Masasi &7- &eSeviye &7(&e%{buyuseviyesi.%player%}%&7}" to player
wait 2 ticks
format slot 0 of player with white stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 3 ticks
format slot 1 of player with Red stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 4 ticks
format slot 2 of player with white stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 5 ticks
format slot 6 of player with Red stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
format slot 3 of player with Red stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
format slot 5 of player with white stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 8 ticks
format slot 7 of player with white stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 9 ticks
format slot 8 of player with Red stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 2 ticks
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 1:
format slot 4 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eYükselt" with lore "||%{yükseltmemesaji}% {@seviye1}" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra yükselt" as op]
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 2:
format slot 4 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eYükselt" with lore "||%{yükseltmemesaji}% {@seviye2}" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra yükselt" as op]
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 3:
format slot 4 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eYükselt" with lore "||%{yükseltmemesaji}% {@seviye3}" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra yükselt" as op]
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 4:
format slot 4 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eYükselt" with lore "||%{yükseltmemesaji}% {@seviye4}" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra yükselt" as op]
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 5:
format slot 4 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eSon seviyedesin!" with lore "|| &bDaha fazla yükseltme yapamazsın!" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra" as op]
command /enchantultra [<text>]:
arg 1 is "esyalar":
if player has permission "enchantultra.esyalar":
give 1 enchantment table named "&eBüyü Masasi" with lore "||&eKodlayan&7:|| &cBurakAyzz" to player
give 1 diamond pickaxe named "&eKaldır" with lore "||&eSol tik ile büyü masasini kaldirabilirsiniz||||&eKodlayan&7:|| &cBurakAyzz" to player
arg 1 isn't set:
send ""
send " %{Sunucuİsmi}%"
send " &eEnchant Ultra!"
send ""
send "&cKomutlar &7» &e/enchantultra esyalar"
send ""
send " &eEnchant Ultra!"
send ""
send " %{kodlayan}%"
send " %{Sunucuİsmi}%"
arg 1 is "yükselt":
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 1:
if player's money is greater than or equal to {@seviye1}:
execute console command "eco take %player% {@seviye1}"
add 1 to {buyuseviyesi.%player%}
send "%{Sunucuİsmi}% %{ustlevel}% &7: &c%{buyuseviyesi.%player%}%"
send "%{yetersizpara}% &7: &2%player's money%&c/&e{@seviye1}"
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 2:
if player's money is greater than or equal to {@seviye2}:
execute console command "eco take %player% {@seviye2}"
add 1 to {buyuseviyesi.%player%}
send "%{Sunucuİsmi}% %{ustlevel}% &7: &c%{buyuseviyesi.%player%}%"
send "%{yetersizpara}% &7: &2%player's money%&c/&e{@seviye2}"
if {Ses} is "Aktif":
play "LEVEL_UP" to players at volume 100.0
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 3:
if player's money is greater than or equal to {@seviye3}:
execute console command "eco take %player% {@seviye3}"
add 1 to {buyuseviyesi.%player%}
send "%{Sunucuİsmi}% %{ustlevel}% &7: &c%{buyuseviyesi.%player%}%"
send "%{yetersizpara}% &7: &2%player's money%&c/&e{@seviye3}"
if {Ses} is "Aktif":
play "LEVEL_UP" to players at volume 100.0
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 4:
if player's money is greater than or equal to {@seviye4}:
execute console command "eco take %player% {@seviye4}"
add 1 to {buyuseviyesi.%player%}
send "%{Sunucuİsmi}% %{ustlevel}% &7: &c%{buyuseviyesi.%player%}%"
send "%{yetersizpara}% &7: &2%player's money%&c/&e{@seviye4}"
if {Ses} is "Aktif":
play "LEVEL_UP" to players at volume 100.0
arg 1 is "kilic1keskinlik":
if player has permission "izin.verildi":
if tool of player is diamond sword or Wooden sword or Golden Sword or Iron sword or stone sword:
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 1:
if {Para} is "Aktif":
if player's money is greater than or equal to {@seviye1para}:
wait 1 ticks
run player command "/enchant sharpness %{Level1Keskinlik}%" as op
send "%{Sunucuİsmi}% &7» %{Basariylatamamlandi}% "
execute console command "eco take %player% {@seviye1para}"
send "%{yetersizpara}% &7: &2%player's money%&c/&e{@seviye1para}"
arg 1 is "kilic2keskinlik":
if player has permission "izin.verildi":
if tool of player is diamond sword or Wooden sword or Golden Sword or Iron sword or stone sword:
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 2:
if {Para} is "Aktif":
if player's money is greater than or equal to {@seviye1para}:
wait 1 ticks
run player command "/enchant sharpness %{Level2Keskinlik}%" as op
send "%{Sunucuİsmi}% &7» %{Basariylatamamlandi}% "
execute console command "eco take %player% {@seviye2para}"
send "%{yetersizpara}% &7: &2%player's money%&c/&e{@seviye2para}"
arg 1 is "kilic3keskinlik":
if player has permission "izin.verildi":
if tool of player is diamond sword or Wooden sword or Golden Sword or Iron sword or stone sword:
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 3:
if {Para} is "Aktif":
if player's money is greater than or equal to {@seviye3para}:
wait 1 ticks
run player command "/enchant sharpness %{Level3Keskinlik}%" as op
send "%{Sunucuİsmi}% &7» %{Basariylatamamlandi}% "
execute console command "eco take %player% {@seviye3para}"
send "%{yetersizpara}% &7: &2%player's money%&c/&e{@seviye3para}"
arg 1 is "kilic4keskinlik":
if player has permission "izin.verildi":
if tool of player is diamond sword or Wooden sword or Golden Sword or Iron sword or stone sword:
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 4:
if {Para} is "Aktif":
if player's money is greater than or equal to {@seviye4para}:
wait 1 ticks
run player command "/enchant sharpness %{Level4Keskinlik}%" as op
send "%{Sunucuİsmi}% &7» %{Basariylatamamlandi}% "
execute console command "eco take %player% {@seviye4para}"
send "%{yetersizpara}% &7: &2%player's money%&c/&e{@seviye4para}"
arg 1 is "kilic5keskinlik":
if player has permission "izin.verildi":
if tool of player is diamond sword or Wooden sword or Golden Sword or Iron sword or stone sword:
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 5:
if {Para} is "Aktif":
if player's money is greater than or equal to {@seviye5para}:
wait 1 ticks
run player command "/enchant sharpness %{Level5Keskinlik}%" as op
send "%{Sunucuİsmi}% &7» %{Basariylatamamlandi}% "
execute console command "eco take %player% {@seviye5para}"
send "%{yetersizpara}% &7: &2%player's money%&c/&e{@seviye5para}"
arg 1 is "kilic1darbe":
if player has permission "izin.verildi":
if tool of player is diamond sword or Wooden sword or Golden Sword or Iron sword or stone sword:
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 1:
if {Para} is "Aktif":
if player's money is greater than or equal to {@seviye1para}:
wait 1 ticks
run player command "/enchant smite %{Level1darbe}%" as op
send "%{Sunucuİsmi}% &7» %{Basariylatamamlandi}% "
execute console command "eco take %player% {@seviye1para}"
send "%{yetersizpara}% &7: &2%player's money%&c/&e{@seviye1para}"
arg 1 is "kilic2darbe":
if player has permission "izin.verildi":
if tool of player is diamond sword or Wooden sword or Golden Sword or Iron sword or stone sword:
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 2:
if {Para} is "Aktif":
if player's money is greater than or equal to {@seviye1para}:
wait 1 ticks
run player command "/enchant smite %{Level2darbe}%" as op
send "%{Sunucuİsmi}% &7» %{Basariylatamamlandi}% "
execute console command "eco take %player% {@seviye2para}"
send "%{yetersizpara}% &7: &2%player's money%&c/&e{@seviye2para}"
arg 1 is "kilic3darbe":
if player has permission "izin.verildi":
if tool of player is diamond sword or Wooden sword or Golden Sword or Iron sword or stone sword:
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 3:
if {Para} is "Aktif":
if player's money is greater than or equal to {@seviye3para}:
wait 1 ticks
run player command "/enchant smite %{Level3darbe}%" as op
send "%{Sunucuİsmi}% &7» %{Basariylatamamlandi}% "
execute console command "eco take %player% {@seviye3para}"
send "%{yetersizpara}% &7: &2%player's money%&c/&e{@seviye3para}"
arg 1 is "kilic4darbe":
if player has permission "izin.verildi":
if tool of player is diamond sword or Wooden sword or Golden Sword or Iron sword or stone sword:
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 4:
if {Para} is "Aktif":
if player's money is greater than or equal to {@seviye4para}:
wait 1 ticks
run player command "/enchant smite %{Level4darbe}%" as op
send "%{Sunucuİsmi}% &7» %{Basariylatamamlandi}% "
execute console command "eco take %player% {@seviye4para}"
send "%{yetersizpara}% &7: &2%player's money%&c/&e{@seviye4para}"
arg 1 is "kilic5darbe":
if player has permission "izin.verildi":
if tool of player is diamond sword or Wooden sword or Golden Sword or Iron sword or stone sword:
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 5:
if {Para} is "Aktif":
if player's money is greater than or equal to {@seviye5para}:
wait 1 ticks
run player command "/enchant smite %{Level5darbe}%" as op
send "%{Sunucuİsmi}% &7» %{Basariylatamamlandi}% "
execute console command "eco take %player% {@seviye5para}"
send "%{yetersizpara}% &7: &2%player's money%&c/&e{@seviye5para}"
arg 1 is "kilic1alevdencehre":
if player has permission "izin.verildi":
if tool of player is diamond sword or Wooden sword or Golden Sword or Iron sword or stone sword:
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 1:
if {Para} is "Aktif":
if player's money is greater than or equal to {@seviye1para}:
wait 1 ticks
run player command "/enchant fireaspect %{Level1alevdencehre}%" as op
send "%{Sunucuİsmi}% &7» %{Basariylatamamlandi}% "
execute console command "eco take %player% {@seviye1para}"
send "%{yetersizpara}% &7: &2%player's money%&c/&e{@seviye1para}"
arg 1 is "kilic2alevdencehre":
if player has permission "izin.verildi":
if tool of player is diamond sword or Wooden sword or Golden Sword or Iron sword or stone sword:
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 2:
if {Para} is "Aktif":
if player's money is greater than or equal to {@seviye1para}:
wait 1 ticks
run player command "/enchant fireaspect %{Level2alevdencehre}%" as op
send "%{Sunucuİsmi}% &7» %{Basariylatamamlandi}% "
execute console command "eco take %player% {@seviye2para}"
send "%{yetersizpara}% &7: &2%player's money%&c/&e{@seviye2para}"
arg 1 is "kilic3alevdencehre":
if player has permission "izin.verildi":
if tool of player is diamond sword or Wooden sword or Golden Sword or Iron sword or stone sword:
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 3:
if {Para} is "Aktif":
if player's money is greater than or equal to {@seviye3para}:
wait 1 ticks
run player command "/enchant fireaspect %{Level3alevdencehre}%" as op
send "%{Sunucuİsmi}% &7» %{Basariylatamamlandi}% "
execute console command "eco take %player% {@seviye3para}"
send "%{yetersizpara}% &7: &2%player's money%&c/&e{@seviye3para}"
arg 1 is "kilic4alevdencehre":
if player has permission "izin.verildi":
if tool of player is diamond sword or Wooden sword or Golden Sword or Iron sword or stone sword:
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 4:
if {Para} is "Aktif":
if player's money is greater than or equal to {@seviye4para}:
wait 1 ticks
run player command "/enchant fireaspect %{Level4alevdencehre}%" as op
send "%{Sunucuİsmi}% &7» %{Basariylatamamlandi}% "
execute console command "eco take %player% {@seviye4para}"
send "%{yetersizpara}% &7: &2%player's money%&c/&e{@seviye4para}"
arg 1 is "kilic5alevdencehre":
if player has permission "izin.verildi":
if tool of player is diamond sword or Wooden sword or Golden Sword or Iron sword or stone sword:
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 5:
if {Para} is "Aktif":
if player's money is greater than or equal to {@seviye5para}:
wait 1 ticks
run player command "/enchant fireaspect %{Level5alevdencehre}%" as op
send "%{Sunucuİsmi}% &7» %{Basariylatamamlandi}% "
execute console command "eco take %player% {@seviye5para}"
send "%{yetersizpara}% &7: &2%player's money%&c/&e{@seviye5para}"
arg 1 is "set1koruma":
if player has permission "izin.verildi":
if tool of player is diamond helmet or diamond chestplate or diamond leggings or diamond boots or iron helmet or iron chestplate or iron leggings or iron boots or gold helmet or gold chestplate or gold leggings or gold boots or chain helmet or chain chestplate or chain leggings or chain boots or leather helmet or leather chestplate or leather leggings or leather boots:
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 1:
if {Para} is "Aktif":
if player's money is greater than or equal to {@seviye1para}:
wait 1 ticks
run player command "/enchant protection %{Level1koruma}%" as op
send "%{Sunucuİsmi}% &7» %{Basariylatamamlandi}% "
execute console command "eco take %player% {@seviye1para}"
send "%{yetersizpara}% &7: &2%player's money%&c/&e{@seviye1para}"
arg 1 is "set2koruma":
if player has permission "izin.verildi":
if tool of player is diamond helmet or diamond chestplate or diamond leggings or diamond boots or iron helmet or iron chestplate or iron leggings or iron boots or gold helmet or gold chestplate or gold leggings or gold boots or chain helmet or chain chestplate or chain leggings or chain boots or leather helmet or leather chestplate or leather leggings or leather boots:
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 2:
if {Para} is "Aktif":
if player's money is greater than or equal to {@seviye1para}:
wait 1 ticks
run player command "/enchant protection %{Level2koruma}%" as op
send "%{Sunucuİsmi}% &7» %{Basariylatamamlandi}% "
execute console command "eco take %player% {@seviye2para}"
send "%{yetersizpara}% &7: &2%player's money%&c/&e{@seviye2para}"
arg 1 is "set3koruma":
if player has permission "izin.verildi":
if tool of player is diamond helmet or diamond chestplate or diamond leggings or diamond boots or iron helmet or iron chestplate or iron leggings or iron boots or gold helmet or gold chestplate or gold leggings or gold boots or chain helmet or chain chestplate or chain leggings or chain boots or leather helmet or leather chestplate or leather leggings or leather boots:
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 3:
if {Para} is "Aktif":
if player's money is greater than or equal to {@seviye3para}:
wait 1 ticks
run player command "/enchant protection %{Level3koruma}%" as op
send "%{Sunucuİsmi}% &7» %{Basariylatamamlandi}% "
execute console command "eco take %player% {@seviye3para}"
send "%{yetersizpara}% &7: &2%player's money%&c/&e{@seviye3para}"
arg 1 is "set4koruma":
if player has permission "izin.verildi":
if tool of player is diamond helmet or diamond chestplate or diamond leggings or diamond boots or iron helmet or iron chestplate or iron leggings or iron boots or gold helmet or gold chestplate or gold leggings or gold boots or chain helmet or chain chestplate or chain leggings or chain boots or leather helmet or leather chestplate or leather leggings or leather boots:
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 4:
if {Para} is "Aktif":
if player's money is greater than or equal to {@seviye4para}:
wait 1 ticks
run player command "/enchant protection %{Level4koruma}%" as op
send "%{Sunucuİsmi}% &7» %{Basariylatamamlandi}% "
execute console command "eco take %player% {@seviye4para}"
send "%{yetersizpara}% &7: &2%player's money%&c/&e{@seviye4para}"
arg 1 is "set5koruma":
if player has permission "izin.verildi":
if tool of player is diamond helmet or diamond chestplate or diamond leggings or diamond boots or iron helmet or iron chestplate or iron leggings or iron boots or gold helmet or gold chestplate or gold leggings or gold boots or chain helmet or chain chestplate or chain leggings or chain boots or leather helmet or leather chestplate or leather leggings or leather boots:
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 5:
if {Para} is "Aktif":
if player's money is greater than or equal to {@seviye5para}:
wait 1 ticks
run player command "/enchant protection %{Level5koruma}%" as op
send "%{Sunucuİsmi}% &7» %{Basariylatamamlandi}% "
execute console command "eco take %player% {@seviye5para}"
send "%{yetersizpara}% &7: &2%player's money%&c/&e{@seviye5para}"
arg 1 is "set1dikenler":
if player has permission "izin.verildi":
if tool of player is diamond helmet or diamond chestplate or diamond leggings or diamond boots or iron helmet or iron chestplate or iron leggings or iron boots or gold helmet or gold chestplate or gold leggings or gold boots or chain helmet or chain chestplate or chain leggings or chain boots or leather helmet or leather chestplate or leather leggings or leather boots:
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 1:
if {Para} is "Aktif":
if player's money is greater than or equal to {@seviye1para}:
wait 1 ticks
run player command "/enchant thorns %{Level1dikenler}%" as op
send "%{Sunucuİsmi}% &7» %{Basariylatamamlandi}% "
execute console command "eco take %player% {@seviye1para}"
send "%{yetersizpara}% &7: &2%player's money%&c/&e{@seviye1para}"
arg 1 is "set2dikenler":
if player has permission "izin.verildi":
if tool of player is diamond helmet or diamond chestplate or diamond leggings or diamond boots or iron helmet or iron chestplate or iron leggings or iron boots or gold helmet or gold chestplate or gold leggings or gold boots or chain helmet or chain chestplate or chain leggings or chain boots or leather helmet or leather chestplate or leather leggings or leather boots:
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 2:
if {Para} is "Aktif":
if player's money is greater than or equal to {@seviye1para}:
wait 1 ticks
run player command "/enchant thorns %{Level2dikenler}%" as op
send "%{Sunucuİsmi}% &7» %{Basariylatamamlandi}% "
execute console command "eco take %player% {@seviye2para}"
send "%{yetersizpara}% &7: &2%player's money%&c/&e{@seviye2para}"
arg 1 is "set3dikenler":
if player has permission "izin.verildi":
if tool of player is diamond helmet or diamond chestplate or diamond leggings or diamond boots or iron helmet or iron chestplate or iron leggings or iron boots or gold helmet or gold chestplate or gold leggings or gold boots or chain helmet or chain chestplate or chain leggings or chain boots or leather helmet or leather chestplate or leather leggings or leather boots:
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 3:
if {Para} is "Aktif":
if player's money is greater than or equal to {@seviye3para}:
wait 1 ticks
run player command "/enchant thorns %{Level3dikenler}%" as op
send "%{Sunucuİsmi}% &7» %{Basariylatamamlandi}% "
execute console command "eco take %player% {@seviye3para}"
send "%{yetersizpara}% &7: &2%player's money%&c/&e{@seviye3para}"
arg 1 is "set4dikenler":
if player has permission "izin.verildi":
if tool of player is diamond helmet or diamond chestplate or diamond leggings or diamond boots or iron helmet or iron chestplate or iron leggings or iron boots or gold helmet or gold chestplate or gold leggings or gold boots or chain helmet or chain chestplate or chain leggings or chain boots or leather helmet or leather chestplate or leather leggings or leather boots:
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 4:
if {Para} is "Aktif":
if player's money is greater than or equal to {@seviye4para}:
wait 1 ticks
run player command "/enchant thorns %{Level4dikenler}%" as op
send "%{Sunucuİsmi}% &7» %{Basariylatamamlandi}% "
execute console command "eco take %player% {@seviye4para}"
send "%{yetersizpara}% &7: &2%player's money%&c/&e{@seviye4para}"
arg 1 is "set5dikenler":
if player has permission "izin.verildi":
if tool of player is diamond helmet or diamond chestplate or diamond leggings or diamond boots or iron helmet or iron chestplate or iron leggings or iron boots or gold helmet or gold chestplate or gold leggings or gold boots or chain helmet or chain chestplate or chain leggings or chain boots or leather helmet or leather chestplate or leather leggings or leather boots:
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 5:
if {Para} is "Aktif":
if player's money is greater than or equal to {@seviye5para}:
wait 1 ticks
run player command "/enchant thorns %{Level5dikenler}%" as op
send "%{Sunucuİsmi}% &7» %{Basariylatamamlandi}% "
execute console command "eco take %player% {@seviye5para}"
send "%{yetersizpara}% &7: &2%player's money%&c/&e{@seviye5para}"
arg 1 is "kirilmazlik1":
if player has permission "izin.verildi":
if tool of player is diamond pickaxe or iron pickaxe or golden pickaxe or stone pickaxe or wooden axe or diamond axe or iron axe or golden axe or stone axe or wooden axe or diamond shovel or iron shovel or golden shovel or stone shovel or wooden shovel or diamond helmet or diamond chestplate or diamond leggings or diamond boots or iron helmet or iron chestplate or iron leggings or iron boots or gold helmet or gold chestplate or gold leggings or gold boots or chain helmet or chain chestplate or chain leggings or chain boots or leather helmet or leather chestplate or leather leggings or leather boots:
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 1:
if {Para} is "Aktif":
if player's money is greater than or equal to {@seviye1para}:
wait 1 ticks
run player command "/enchant unbreaking %{Level1kirilmazlik}%" as op
send "%{Sunucuİsmi}% &7» %{Basariylatamamlandi}% "
execute console command "eco take %player% {@seviye1para}"
send "%{yetersizpara}% &7: &2%player's money%&c/&e{@seviye1para}"
arg 1 is "kirilmazlik2":
if player has permission "izin.verildi":
if tool of player is diamond pickaxe or iron pickaxe or golden pickaxe or stone pickaxe or wooden axe or diamond axe or iron axe or golden axe or stone axe or wooden axe or diamond shovel or iron shovel or golden shovel or stone shovel or wooden shovel or diamond helmet or diamond chestplate or diamond leggings or diamond boots or iron helmet or iron chestplate or iron leggings or iron boots or gold helmet or gold chestplate or gold leggings or gold boots or chain helmet or chain chestplate or chain leggings or chain boots or leather helmet or leather chestplate or leather leggings or leather boots:
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 2:
if {Para} is "Aktif":
if player's money is greater than or equal to {@seviye1para}:
wait 1 ticks
run player command "/enchant unbreaking %{Level2kirilmazlik}%" as op
send "%{Sunucuİsmi}% &7» %{Basariylatamamlandi}% "
execute console command "eco take %player% {@seviye2para}"
send "%{yetersizpara}% &7: &2%player's money%&c/&e{@seviye2para}"
arg 1 is "kirilmazlik3":
if player has permission "izin.verildi":
if tool of player is diamond pickaxe or iron pickaxe or golden pickaxe or stone pickaxe or wooden axe or diamond axe or iron axe or golden axe or stone axe or wooden axe or diamond shovel or iron shovel or golden shovel or stone shovel or wooden shovel or diamond helmet or diamond chestplate or diamond leggings or diamond boots or iron helmet or iron chestplate or iron leggings or iron boots or gold helmet or gold chestplate or gold leggings or gold boots or chain helmet or chain chestplate or chain leggings or chain boots or leather helmet or leather chestplate or leather leggings or leather boots:
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 3:
if {Para} is "Aktif":
if player's money is greater than or equal to {@seviye3para}:
wait 1 ticks
run player command "/enchant unbreaking %{Level3kirilmazlik}%" as op
send "%{Sunucuİsmi}% &7» %{Basariylatamamlandi}% "
execute console command "eco take %player% {@seviye3para}"
send "%{yetersizpara}% &7: &2%player's money%&c/&e{@seviye3para}"
arg 1 is "kirilmazlik4":
if player has permission "izin.verildi":
if tool of player is diamond pickaxe or iron pickaxe or golden pickaxe or stone pickaxe or wooden axe or diamond axe or iron axe or golden axe or stone axe or wooden axe or diamond shovel or iron shovel or golden shovel or stone shovel or wooden shovel or diamond helmet or diamond chestplate or diamond leggings or diamond boots or iron helmet or iron chestplate or iron leggings or iron boots or gold helmet or gold chestplate or gold leggings or gold boots or chain helmet or chain chestplate or chain leggings or chain boots or leather helmet or leather chestplate or leather leggings or leather boots:
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 4:
if {Para} is "Aktif":
if player's money is greater than or equal to {@seviye4para}:
wait 1 ticks
run player command "/enchant unbreaking %{Level4kirilmazlik}%" as op
send "%{Sunucuİsmi}% &7» %{Basariylatamamlandi}% "
execute console command "eco take %player% {@seviye4para}"
send "%{yetersizpara}% &7: &2%player's money%&c/&e{@seviye4para}"
arg 1 is "kirilmazlik5":
if player has permission "izin.verildi":
if tool of player is diamond pickaxe or iron pickaxe or golden pickaxe or stone pickaxe or wooden axe or diamond axe or iron axe or golden axe or stone axe or wooden axe or diamond shovel or iron shovel or golden shovel or stone shovel or wooden shovel or diamond helmet or diamond chestplate or diamond leggings or diamond boots or iron helmet or iron chestplate or iron leggings or iron boots or gold helmet or gold chestplate or gold leggings or gold boots or chain helmet or chain chestplate or chain leggings or chain boots or leather helmet or leather chestplate or leather leggings or leather boots:
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 5:
if {Para} is "Aktif":
if player's money is greater than or equal to {@seviye5para}:
wait 1 ticks
run player command "/enchant unbreaking %{Level5kirilmazlik}%" as op
send "%{Sunucuİsmi}% &7» %{Basariylatamamlandi}% "
execute console command "eco take %player% {@seviye5para}"
send "%{yetersizpara}% &7: &2%player's money%&c/&e{@seviye5para}"
arg 1 is "esya1verimlilik":
if player has permission "izin.verildi":
if tool of player is diamond pickaxe or iron pickaxe or golden pickaxe or stone pickaxe or wooden axe or diamond axe or iron axe or golden axe or stone axe or wooden axe or diamond shovel or iron shovel or golden shovel or stone shovel or wooden shovel:
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 1:
if {Para} is "Aktif":
if player's money is greater than or equal to {@seviye1para}:
wait 1 ticks
run player command "/enchant efficiency %{Level1verimlilik}%" as op
send "%{Sunucuİsmi}% &7» %{Basariylatamamlandi}% "
execute console command "eco take %player% {@seviye1para}"
send "%{yetersizpara}% &7: &2%player's money%&c/&e{@seviye1para}"
arg 1 is "esya2verimlilik":
if player has permission "izin.verildi":
if tool of player is diamond pickaxe or iron pickaxe or golden pickaxe or stone pickaxe or wooden axe or diamond axe or iron axe or golden axe or stone axe or wooden axe or diamond shovel or iron shovel or golden shovel or stone shovel or wooden shovel:
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 2:
if {Para} is "Aktif":
if player's money is greater than or equal to {@seviye2para}:
wait 1 ticks
run player command "/enchant efficiency %{Level2verimlilik}%" as op
send "%{Sunucuİsmi}% &7» %{Basariylatamamlandi}% "
execute console command "eco take %player% {@seviye2para}"
send "%{yetersizpara}% &7: &2%player's money%&c/&e{@seviye2para}"
arg 1 is "esya3verimlilik":
if player has permission "izin.verildi":
if tool of player is diamond pickaxe or iron pickaxe or golden pickaxe or stone pickaxe or wooden axe or diamond axe or iron axe or golden axe or stone axe or wooden axe or diamond shovel or iron shovel or golden shovel or stone shovel or wooden shovel:
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 3:
if {Para} is "Aktif":
if player's money is greater than or equal to {@seviye3para}:
wait 1 ticks
run player command "/enchant efficiency %{Level3verimlilik}%" as op
send "%{Sunucuİsmi}% &7» %{Basariylatamamlandi}% "
execute console command "eco take %player% {@seviye3para}"
send "%{yetersizpara}% &7: &2%player's money%&c/&e{@seviye3para}"
arg 1 is "esya4verimlilik":
if player has permission "izin.verildi":
if tool of player is diamond pickaxe or iron pickaxe or golden pickaxe or stone pickaxe or wooden axe or diamond axe or iron axe or golden axe or stone axe or wooden axe or diamond shovel or iron shovel or golden shovel or stone shovel or wooden shovel:
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 4:
if {Para} is "Aktif":
if player's money is greater than or equal to {@seviye4para}:
wait 1 ticks
run player command "/enchant efficiency %{Level4verimlilik}%" as op
send "%{Sunucuİsmi}% &7» %{Basariylatamamlandi}% "
execute console command "eco take %player% {@seviye4para}"
send "%{yetersizpara}% &7: &2%player's money%&c/&e{@seviye4para}"
arg 1 is "esya5verimlilik":
if player has permission "izin.verildi":
if tool of player is diamond pickaxe or iron pickaxe or golden pickaxe or stone pickaxe or wooden axe or diamond axe or iron axe or golden axe or stone axe or wooden axe or diamond shovel or iron shovel or golden shovel or stone shovel or wooden shovel:
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 5:
if {Para} is "Aktif":
if player's money is greater than or equal to {@seviye5para}:
wait 1 ticks
run player command "/enchant efficiency %{Level5verimlilik}%" as op
send "%{Sunucuİsmi}% &7» %{Basariylatamamlandi}% "
execute console command "eco take %player% {@seviye5para}"
send "%{yetersizpara}% &7: &2%player's money%&c/&e{@seviye5para}"
arg 1 is "esya1servet":
if player has permission "izin.verildi":
if tool of player is diamond pickaxe or iron pickaxe or golden pickaxe or stone pickaxe or wooden axe or diamond axe or iron axe or golden axe or stone axe or wooden axe or diamond shovel or iron shovel or golden shovel or stone shovel or wooden shovel:
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 1:
if {Para} is "Aktif":
if player's money is greater than or equal to {@seviye1para}:
wait 1 ticks
run player command "/enchant fortune %{Level1servet}%" as op
send "%{Sunucuİsmi}% &7» %{Basariylatamamlandi}% "
execute console command "eco take %player% {@seviye1para}"
send "%{yetersizpara}% &7: &2%player's money%&c/&e{@seviye1para}"
arg 1 is "esya2servet":
if player has permission "izin.verildi":
if tool of player is diamond pickaxe or iron pickaxe or golden pickaxe or stone pickaxe or wooden axe or diamond axe or iron axe or golden axe or stone axe or wooden axe or diamond shovel or iron shovel or golden shovel or stone shovel or wooden shovel:
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 2:
if {Para} is "Aktif":
if player's money is greater than or equal to {@seviye2para}:
wait 1 ticks
run player command "/enchant fortune %{Level2servet}%" as op
send "%{Sunucuİsmi}% &7» %{Basariylatamamlandi}% "
execute console command "eco take %player% {@seviye2para}"
send "%{yetersizpara}% &7: &2%player's money%&c/&e{@seviye2para}"
arg 1 is "esya3servet":
if player has permission "izin.verildi":
if tool of player is diamond pickaxe or iron pickaxe or golden pickaxe or stone pickaxe or wooden axe or diamond axe or iron axe or golden axe or stone axe or wooden axe or diamond shovel or iron shovel or golden shovel or stone shovel or wooden shovel:
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 3:
if {Para} is "Aktif":
if player's money is greater than or equal to {@seviye3para}:
wait 1 ticks
run player command "/enchant fortune %{Level3servet}%" as op
send "%{Sunucuİsmi}% &7» %{Basariylatamamlandi}% "
execute console command "eco take %player% {@seviye3para}"
send "%{yetersizpara}% &7: &2%player's money%&c/&e{@seviye3para}"
arg 1 is "esya4servet":
if player has permission "izin.verildi":
if tool of player is diamond pickaxe or iron pickaxe or golden pickaxe or stone pickaxe or wooden axe or diamond axe or iron axe or golden axe or stone axe or wooden axe or diamond shovel or iron shovel or golden shovel or stone shovel or wooden shovel:
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 4:
if {Para} is "Aktif":
if player's money is greater than or equal to {@seviye4para}:
wait 1 ticks
run player command "/enchant fortune %{Level4servet}%" as op
send "%{Sunucuİsmi}% &7» %{Basariylatamamlandi}% "
execute console command "eco take %player% {@seviye4para}"
send "%{yetersizpara}% &7: &2%player's money%&c/&e{@seviye4para}"
arg 1 is "esya5servet":
if player has permission "izin.verildi":
if tool of player is diamond pickaxe or iron pickaxe or golden pickaxe or stone pickaxe or wooden axe or diamond axe or iron axe or golden axe or stone axe or wooden axe or diamond shovel or iron shovel or golden shovel or stone shovel or wooden shovel:
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 5:
if {Para} is "Aktif":
if player's money is greater than or equal to {@seviye5para}:
wait 1 ticks
run player command "/enchant fortune %{Level5servet}%" as op
send "%{Sunucuİsmi}% &7» %{Basariylatamamlandi}% "
execute console command "eco take %player% {@seviye5para}"
send "%{yetersizpara}% &7: &2%player's money%&c/&e{@seviye5para}"
on rightclick on enchantment table:
set {_fark} to difference between {süre.%player%} and now
if {_fark} is less than 2 minutes:
set {_fark} to difference between {_fark} and 2 minutes
message "%{Sunucuİsmi}%&r &ebu islemi tekrar gerçekleştirmek için &c%{_fark}%&e beklemelisin!"
cancel event
set {süre.%player%} to now
loop {hologram::*}:
if event-location is loop-value:
cancel event
if tool of player is diamond sword or Wooden sword or Golden Sword or Iron sword or stone sword:
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 1:
cancel event
open chest with 1 rows named "&eBuyu Masasi &7- &eLevel 1" to player
wait 2 ticks
format slot 0 of player with white stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 3 ticks
format slot 1 of player with Red stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 4 ticks
format slot 2 of player with white stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 5 ticks
format slot 3 of player with Red stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 6 ticks
format slot 5 of player with white stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 7 ticks
format slot 6 of player with Red stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 8 ticks
format slot 7 of player with white stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 9 ticks
format slot 8 of player with Red stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
if chance of 25%:
wait 2 ticks
format slot 4 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eKeskinlik&7: %{Level1Keskinlik}%" with lore "||||" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra kilic1keskinlik" as op]
wait 4 ticks
format slot 4 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eAlevden Çehre&7: %{Level1Atestencehre}%" with lore "||||" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra kilic1alevdencehre" as op]
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 2:
cancel event
open chest with 1 rows named "&eBuyu Masasi &7- &eLevel 2" to player
wait 2 ticks
format slot 0 of player with white stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 3 ticks
format slot 1 of player with Red stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 4 ticks
format slot 2 of player with white stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 5 ticks
format slot 3 of player with Red stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 6 ticks
format slot 5 of player with white stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 7 ticks
format slot 6 of player with Red stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 8 ticks
format slot 7 of player with white stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 9 ticks
format slot 8 of player with Red stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
if chance of 50%:
wait 2 ticks
format slot 4 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eKeskinlik&7: %{Level2Keskinlik}%" with lore "||||" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra kilic2keskinlik" as op]
wait 4 ticks
format slot 4 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eAlevden Çehre&7: %{Level2Atestencehre}%" with lore "||||" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra kilic2alevdencehre" as op]
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 3:
cancel event
open chest with 1 rows named "&eBuyu Masasi &7- &eLevel 3" to player
wait 2 ticks
format slot 0 of player with white stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 3 ticks
format slot 1 of player with Red stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 4 ticks
format slot 2 of player with white stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 5 ticks
format slot 6 of player with Red stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 8 ticks
format slot 7 of player with white stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 9 ticks
format slot 8 of player with Red stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
if chance of 25%:
wait 2 ticks
format slot 3 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eKeskinlik&7: %{Level3Keskinlik}%" with lore "||||" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra kilic3keskinlik" as op]
wait 4 ticks
format slot 5 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eAlevden Çehre&7: %{Level3Atestencehre}%" with lore "||||" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra kilic3alevdencehre" as op]
if chance of 25%:
wait 3 ticks
format slot 4 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eDarbe&7: %{Level3Darbe}%" with lore "||||" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra kilic3darbe" as op]
wait 2 ticks
format slot 3 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eKeskinlik&7: %{Level3Keskinlik}%" with lore "||||" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra kilic3keskinlik" as op]
if chance of 50%:
wait 4 ticks
format slot 5 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eAlevden Çehre&7: %{Level3Atestencehre}%" with lore "||||" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra kilic3alevdencehre" as op]
wait 3 ticks
format slot 4 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eDarbe&7: %{Level3Darbe}%" with lore "||||" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra kilic3darbe" as op]
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 4:
cancel event
open chest with 1 rows named "&eBuyu Masasi &7- &eLevel 4" to player
wait 2 ticks
format slot 0 of player with white stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 3 ticks
format slot 1 of player with Red stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 4 ticks
format slot 2 of player with white stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 5 ticks
format slot 6 of player with Red stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 8 ticks
format slot 7 of player with white stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 9 ticks
format slot 8 of player with Red stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
if chance of 50%:
wait 2 ticks
format slot 3 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eKeskinlik&7: %{Level4Keskinlik}%" with lore "||%{Buyuucretiparamesaji}% %{buyuucretiseviye4para}%||" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra kilic4keskinlik" as op]
wait 4 ticks
format slot 5 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eAlevden Çehre&7: %{Level4Atestencehre}%" with lore "||%{Buyuucretiparamesaji}% %{buyuucretiseviye4para}%||" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra kilic4alevdencehre" as op]
if chance of 40%:
wait 3 ticks
format slot 4 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eDarbe&7: %{Level4Darbe}%" with lore "||%{Buyuucretiparamesaji}% %{buyuucretiseviye4para}%||" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra kilic4darbe" as op]
wait 2 ticks
format slot 3 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eKeskinlik&7: %{Level4Keskinlik}%" with lore "||%{Buyuucretiparamesaji}% %{buyuucretiseviye4para}%||" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra kilic4keskinlik" as op]
if chance of 20%:
wait 4 ticks
format slot 5 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eAlevden Çehre&7: %{Level4Atestencehre}%" with lore "||%{Buyuucretiparamesaji}% %{buyuucretiseviye4para}%||" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra kilic4alevdencehre" as op]
wait 3 ticks
format slot 4 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eDarbe&7: %{Level4Darbe}%" with lore "||%{Buyuucretiparamesaji}% %{buyuucretiseviye4para}%||" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra kilic4darbe" as op]
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 5:
cancel event
open chest with 1 rows named "&eBuyu Masasi &7- &eLevel 5" to player
wait 2 ticks
format slot 0 of player with white stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 3 ticks
format slot 1 of player with Red stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 4 ticks
format slot 2 of player with white stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 5 ticks
format slot 6 of player with Red stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 8 ticks
format slot 7 of player with white stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 9 ticks
format slot 8 of player with Red stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 2 ticks
format slot 3 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eKeskinlik&7: %{Level5Keskinlik}%" with lore "||%{Buyuucretiparamesaji}% %{buyuucretiseviye5para}%||" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra kilic5keskinlik" as op]
wait 4 ticks
format slot 5 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eAlevden Çehre&7: %{Level5Atestencehre}%" with lore "||%{Buyuucretiparamesaji}% %{buyuucretiseviye5para}%||" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra kilic5alevdencehre" as op]
wait 3 ticks
format slot 4 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eDarbe&7: %{Level5Darbe}%" with lore "||%{Buyuucretiparamesaji}% %{buyuucretiseviye5para}%||" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra kilic5darbe" as op]
if tool of player is diamond helmet or diamond chestplate or diamond leggings or diamond boots or iron helmet or iron chestplate or iron leggings or iron boots or gold helmet or gold chestplate or gold leggings or gold boots or chain helmet or chain chestplate or chain leggings or chain boots or leather helmet or leather chestplate or leather leggings or leather boots:
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 1:
cancel event
open chest with 1 rows named "&eBuyu Masasi &7- &eLevel 1" to player
wait 2 ticks
format slot 0 of player with white stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 3 ticks
format slot 1 of player with Red stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 4 ticks
format slot 2 of player with white stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 5 ticks
format slot 3 of player with Red stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 6 ticks
format slot 5 of player with white stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 7 ticks
format slot 6 of player with Red stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 8 ticks
format slot 7 of player with white stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 9 ticks
format slot 8 of player with Red stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
if chance of 25%:
wait 2 ticks
format slot 4 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eKoruma&7: %{Level1Koruma}%" with lore "||||" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra set1koruma" as op]
wait 4 ticks
format slot 4 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eDikenler&7: %{Level1Dikenler}%" with lore "||||" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra set1dikenler" as op]
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 2:
cancel event
open chest with 1 rows named "&eBuyu Masasi &7- &eLevel 2" to player
wait 2 ticks
format slot 0 of player with white stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 3 ticks
format slot 1 of player with Red stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 4 ticks
format slot 2 of player with white stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 5 ticks
format slot 3 of player with Red stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 6 ticks
format slot 5 of player with white stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 7 ticks
format slot 6 of player with Red stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 8 ticks
format slot 7 of player with white stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 9 ticks
format slot 8 of player with Red stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
if chance of 45%:
wait 2 ticks
format slot 4 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eKoruma&7: %{Level2Koruma}%" with lore "||||" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra set2koruma" as op]
wait 4 ticks
format slot 4 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eDikenler&7: %{Level2Dikenler}%" with lore "||||" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra set2dikenler" as op]
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 3:
cancel event
open chest with 1 rows named "&eBuyu Masasi &7- &eLevel 3" to player
wait 2 ticks
format slot 0 of player with white stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 3 ticks
format slot 1 of player with Red stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 4 ticks
format slot 2 of player with white stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 5 ticks
format slot 6 of player with Red stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 8 ticks
format slot 7 of player with white stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 9 ticks
format slot 8 of player with Red stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 2 ticks
if chance of 50%:
wait 2 ticks
format slot 3 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eKoruma&7: %{Level3Koruma}%" with lore "||||" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra set3koruma" as op]
wait 4 ticks
format slot 5 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eDikenler&7: %{Level3Dikenler}%" with lore "||||" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra set3dikenler" as op]
if chance of 25%:
wait 3 ticks
format slot 4 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eKirilmazlik&7: %{Level3kirilmazlik}%" with lore "||||" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra set3kirilmazlik" as op]
wait 2 ticks
format slot 3 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eDikenler&7: %{Level3Dikenler}%" with lore "||||" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra set3dikenler" as op]
if chance of 25%:
wait 4 ticks
format slot 5 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eKirilmazlik&7: %{Level3kirilmazlik}%" with lore "||||" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra set3kirilmazlik" as op]
wait 3 ticks
format slot 4 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eKoruma&7: %{Level3Koruma}%" with lore "||||" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra set3koruma" as op]
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 4:
cancel event
open chest with 1 rows named "&eBuyu Masasi &7- &eLevel 4" to player
wait 2 ticks
format slot 0 of player with white stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 3 ticks
format slot 1 of player with Red stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 4 ticks
format slot 2 of player with white stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 5 ticks
format slot 6 of player with Red stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 8 ticks
format slot 7 of player with white stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 9 ticks
format slot 8 of player with Red stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 2 ticks
if chance of 60%:
wait 2 ticks
format slot 3 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eKoruma&7: %{Level4Koruma}%" with lore "||%{Buyuucretiparamesaji}% %{buyuucretiseviye4para}%||" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra set4koruma" as op]
wait 4 ticks
format slot 5 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eDikenler&7: %{Level4Dikenler}%" with lore "||%{Buyuucretiparamesaji}% %{buyuucretiseviye4para}%||" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra set4dikenler" as op]
if chance of 20%:
wait 3 ticks
format slot 4 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eKirilmazlik&7: %{Level4kirilmazlik}%" with lore "||%{Buyuucretiparamesaji}% %{buyuucretiseviye4para}%||" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra kirilmazlik4" as op]
wait 2 ticks
format slot 3 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eDikenler&7: %{Level4Dikenler}%" with lore "||%{Buyuucretiparamesaji}% %{buyuucretiseviye4para}%||" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra set4dikenler" as op]
if chance of 20%:
wait 4 ticks
format slot 5 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eKirilmazlik&7: %{Level4kirilmazlik}%" with lore "||%{Buyuucretiparamesaji}% %{buyuucretiseviye4para}%||" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra kirilmazlik4" as op]
wait 3 ticks
format slot 4 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eKoruma&7: %{Level4Koruma}%" with lore "||%{Buyuucretiparamesaji}% %{buyuucretiseviye4para}%||" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra set4koruma" as op]
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 5:
cancel event
open chest with 1 rows named "&eBuyu Masasi &7- &eLevel 5" to player
wait 2 ticks
format slot 0 of player with white stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 3 ticks
format slot 1 of player with Red stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 4 ticks
format slot 2 of player with white stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 5 ticks
format slot 6 of player with Red stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 8 ticks
format slot 7 of player with white stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 9 ticks
format slot 8 of player with Red stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 2 ticks
format slot 3 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eKoruma&7: %{Level5Koruma}%" with lore "||%{Buyuucretiparamesaji}% %{buyuucretiseviye5para}%||" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra set5koruma" as op]
wait 3 ticks
format slot 4 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eKirilmazlik&7: %{Level5kirilmazlik}%" with lore "||%{Buyuucretiparamesaji}% %{buyuucretiseviye5para}%||" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra set5kirilmazlik" as op]
wait 2 ticks
format slot 5 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eDikenler&7: %{Level5Dikenler}%" with lore "||%{Buyuucretiparamesaji}% %{buyuucretiseviye5para}%||" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra set5dikenler" as op]
if tool of player is diamond pickaxe or iron pickaxe or golden pickaxe or stone pickaxe or wooden axe or diamond axe or iron axe or golden axe or stone axe or wooden axe or diamond shovel or iron shovel or golden shovel or stone shovel or wooden shovel:
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 1:
cancel event
open chest with 1 rows named "&eBuyu Masasi &7- &eLevel 1" to player
wait 2 ticks
format slot 0 of player with white stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 3 ticks
format slot 1 of player with Red stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 4 ticks
format slot 2 of player with white stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 5 ticks
format slot 3 of player with Red stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 6 ticks
format slot 5 of player with white stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 7 ticks
format slot 6 of player with Red stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 8 ticks
format slot 7 of player with white stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 9 ticks
format slot 8 of player with Red stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
if chance of 25%:
wait 2 ticks
format slot 4 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eVerimlilik&7: %{Level1Verimlilik}%" with lore "||||" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra esya1verimlilik" as op]
wait 4 ticks
format slot 4 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eKirilmazlik&7: %{Level1Kirilmazlik}%" with lore "||||" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra kirilmazlik1" as op]
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 2:
cancel event
open chest with 1 rows named "&eBuyu Masasi &7- &eLevel 2" to player
wait 2 ticks
format slot 0 of player with white stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 3 ticks
format slot 1 of player with Red stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 4 ticks
format slot 2 of player with white stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 5 ticks
format slot 3 of player with Red stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 6 ticks
format slot 5 of player with white stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 7 ticks
format slot 6 of player with Red stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 8 ticks
format slot 7 of player with white stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 9 ticks
format slot 8 of player with Red stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
if chance of 45%:
wait 2 ticks
format slot 4 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eVerimlilik&7: %{Level2Verimlilik}%" with lore "||||" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra esya2verimlilik" as op]
wait 4 ticks
format slot 4 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eKirilmazlik&7: %{Level2Kirilmazlik}%" with lore "||||" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra kirilmazlik2" as op]
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 3:
cancel event
open chest with 1 rows named "&eBuyu Masasi &7- &eLevel 3" to player
wait 2 ticks
format slot 0 of player with white stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 3 ticks
format slot 1 of player with Red stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 4 ticks
format slot 2 of player with white stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 5 ticks
format slot 6 of player with Red stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 8 ticks
format slot 7 of player with white stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 9 ticks
format slot 8 of player with Red stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 2 ticks
if chance of 50%:
wait 2 ticks
format slot 3 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eVerimlilik&7: %{Level3Verimlilik}%" with lore "||||" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra esya3verimlilik" as op]
wait 4 ticks
format slot 5 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eKirilmazlik&7: %{Level3Kirilmazlik}%" with lore "||||" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra kirilmazlik3" as op]
if chance of 25%:
wait 3 ticks
format slot 4 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eServet&7: %{Level3Servet}%" with lore "||||" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra esya3verimlilik" as op]
wait 2 ticks
format slot 3 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eKirilmazlik&7: %{Level3Kirilmazlik}%" with lore "||||" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra kirilmazlik3" as op]
if chance of 25%:
wait 4 ticks
format slot 5 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eServet&7: %{Level3Servet}%" with lore "||||" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra esya3verimlilik" as op]
wait 3 ticks
format slot 4 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eVerimlilik&7: %{Level3Verimlilik}%" with lore "||||" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra esya3verimlilik" as op]
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 4:
cancel event
open chest with 1 rows named "&eBuyu Masasi &7- &eLevel 4" to player
wait 2 ticks
format slot 0 of player with white stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 3 ticks
format slot 1 of player with Red stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 4 ticks
format slot 2 of player with white stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 5 ticks
format slot 6 of player with Red stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 8 ticks
format slot 7 of player with white stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 9 ticks
format slot 8 of player with Red stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 2 ticks
if chance of 60%:
wait 2 ticks
format slot 3 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eVerimlilik&7: %{Level4Verimlilik}%" with lore "||%{Buyuucretiparamesaji}% %{buyuucretiseviye4para}%||" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra esya4verimlilik" as op]
wait 4 ticks
format slot 5 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eServet&7: %{Level4Servet}%" with lore "||%{Buyuucretiparamesaji}% %{buyuucretiseviye4para}%||" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra esya4verimlilik" as op]
if chance of 20%:
wait 3 ticks
format slot 4 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eKirilmazlik&7: %{Level4kirilmazlik}%" with lore "||%{Buyuucretiparamesaji}% %{buyuucretiseviye4para}%||" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra kirilmazlik4" as op]
wait 2 ticks
format slot 3 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eServet&7: %{Level4Servet}%" with lore "||%{Buyuucretiparamesaji}% %{buyuucretiseviye4para}%||" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra esya4verimlilik" as op]
if chance of 20%:
wait 4 ticks
format slot 5 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eKirilmazlik&7: %{Level4kirilmazlik}%" with lore "||%{Buyuucretiparamesaji}% %{buyuucretiseviye4para}%||" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra kirilmazlik4" as op]
wait 3 ticks
format slot 4 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eVerimlilik&7: %{Level4Verimlilik}%" with lore "||%{Buyuucretiparamesaji}% %{buyuucretiseviye4para}%||" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra esya4verimlilik" as op]
if {buyuseviyesi.%player%} is equal to 5:
cancel event
open chest with 1 rows named "&eBuyu Masasi &7- &eLevel 5" to player
wait 2 ticks
format slot 0 of player with white stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 3 ticks
format slot 1 of player with Red stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 4 ticks
format slot 2 of player with white stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 5 ticks
format slot 6 of player with Red stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 8 ticks
format slot 7 of player with white stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 9 ticks
format slot 8 of player with Red stained glass pane named " %{Sunucuİsmi}%" with lore "||%{Sunucuİsmi}%" to close then run [run player command "" as op]
wait 2 ticks
format slot 3 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eVerimlilik&7: %{Level5Verimlilik}%" with lore "||%{Buyuucretiparamesaji}% %{buyuucretiseviye5para}%||" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra esya5verimlilik" as op]
wait 3 ticks
format slot 4 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eKirilmazlik&7: %{Level5kirilmazlik}%" with lore "||%{Buyuucretiparamesaji}% %{buyuucretiseviye5para}%||" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra kirilmazlik5" as op]
wait 2 ticks
format slot 5 of player with enchanted book named "&a♣ &eServet&7: %{Level5Servet}%" with lore "||%{Buyuucretiparamesaji}% %{buyuucretiseviye5para}%||" to close then run [run player command "enchantultra esya5verimlilik" as op]
on place:
if event-block is enchantment table:
if block below event-location isn't slab:
if name of tool of player is "&eBüyü Masasi":
if {hologram} is "Aktif":
add location of event-block to {hologram::*}
create holo object "ItemStack:%{_esya}%;&r;&aSeviye&7: &61;&aYukseltme menusu için &csağ &atıkla!;&r" with id "%location of event-block%" at block above above event-block
if {Efekt1} is "Aktif":
drawHalo particle "smokelarge", RGB 0, 0, 0, center event-location, id "%event-location%", rainbowMode true, solid true, density 10, visibleRange 32
if {Efekt2} is "Aktif":
drawHalo particle "flame", RGB 0, 0, 0, center event-location, id "%event-location%-5", rainbowMode true, solid true, density 10, visibleRange 32
if {Efekt3} is "Aktif":
drawComplexCircle particle "redstone", RGB 5, 255, 193, center event-location, id "%event-location%-4", randomRotation true, radius .8, density 20, start 0, visibleRange 100, xRotation 23, yRotation 120, zRotation 0
if {Efekt4} is "Aktif":
drawComplexCircle particle "redstone", RGB 0, 255, 0, center event-location, id "%event-location%-1", randomRotation false, radius .8, density 20, start 0, visibleRange 100, xRotation 70, yRotation 10, zRotation 0
if {Efekt5} is "Aktif":
drawComplexCircle particle "redstone", RGB 255, 0, 0, center event-location, id "%event-location%-2", randomRotation false, radius .8, density 20, start 0, visibleRange 100, xRotation 0, yRotation 60, zRotation 0
if {Efekt6} is "Aktif":
drawComplexCircle particle "redstone", RGB 0, 0, 255, center event-location, id "%event-location%-3", randomRotation true, radius .8, density 20, start 0, visibleRange 100, xRotation 25, yRotation 54, zRotation 0
if {Efekt7} is "Aktif":
drawWings style 7, particle1 "redstone", RGB 255, 0, 204, particle2 "redstone", RGB2 190, 0, 255, particle3 "redstone", RGB3 250, 102, 255, center event-location, id "%event-location%-6", angle 110, height 0, space 0.2, visibleRange 30, tps 0, second 3
if {Ses} is "Aktif":
play "NOTE_PLING" to players at volume 100.0
play "LEVEL_UP" to players at volume 100.0
broadcast ""