# By Coder is giresun283428 (Sikiript my life .d)
p: &aBanka »
hesapacmafiyati: 1000
limitbaslangicfiyati: 5000
asgariucret: 2020
function banka(p: player, sayfa: String):
if {_sayfa} is "menu":
play raw sound "note.pling" at {_p} with pitch 1 volume 10
open virtual chest inventory with size 1 named "&eBanka / Menü" to {_p}
make a gui slot 0 of {_p} with {_p}'s skull named "&a&lBilgilerin" with lore "||&7Bilgilerini görüntülemek için tıkla!" to run function banka({_p}, "bilgiler")
make a gui slot 1 of {_p} with 175 named "&a&lBankacılar" with lore "||&7Bankacıları görüntülemek için tıkla!" to run function bankacilar({_p}, 1)
make a gui slot 2 of {_p} with 160:11 named "&e" to nothing
if {banka::kredicekmismi::%{_p}%} is false:
make a gui slot 3 of {_p} with 388 named "&a&lİşlem Yap" with lore "||&7İşlem menüsünü görüntülemek||&7için tıkla!" to run function banka({_p}, "islemmenu")
else if {banka::kredicekmismi::%{_p}%} is true:
make a gui slot 3 of {_p} with 166 named "&c&l&mKILITLI!" with lore "||&7Kredi çekebilmek için||&7önce Kredi Borcunu öde!" to run function banka({_p}, "krediborcu")
if {_sayfa} is "ac":
set {_hesapacmafiyati} to "{@hesapacmafiyati}" parsed as integer
play raw sound "note.pling" at {_p} with pitch 1 volume 10
open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "&eBanka / Hesap Aç" to {_p}
make a gui slot 13 of {_p} with 381 named "&a&lHesap Aç" with lore "||&eBanka'ya hoşgeldin!||&eİşlem yapabilmek için lütfen||&ebir hesap aç!||||&c&lGerekli Şartlar||&c&l&m------------||&81. &7{@hesapacmafiyati} TL" to run using left:
if balance of {_p} is bigger than or equal to {_hesapacmafiyati}:
execute console command "eco take %{_p}% %{_hesapacmafiyati}%"
add {_p} to {bankahesaplari::*}
set {banka::hesapacmismi::%{_p}%} to true
set {banka::tur::%{_p}%} to "Kişisel"
set {banka::kayittarihi::%{_p}%} to "%now%"
set {banka::goruntulenmesi::%{_p}%} to 0
set {banka::para::%{_p}%} to 0
set {banka::limit::%{_p}%} to {@limitbaslangicfiyati}
set {banka::borc::%{_p}%} to 0
set {banka::kredicekmismi::%{_p}%} to false
set {banka::sifreolusturmusmu::%{_p}%} to false
send "{@p} &b&lTebrikler, &ebir hesap açtın!" to {_p}
broadcast "&9%{_p}%, &7adlı oyuncumuz banka hesabı açtı!"
banka({_p}, "sifreolustur")
send "{@p} &cYeterli paran yok!" to {_p}
make a gui slot 18 of {_p} with 262 named "&c&lKapat" to run using left:
close {_p}'s inventory
if {_sayfa} is "bilgiler":
play raw sound "note.pling" at {_p} with pitch 1 volume 10
open virtual chest inventory with size 6 named "&eBanka / Bilgilerin" to {_p}
make a gui slot 0 of {_p} with 160:14 named "&e" to nothing
make a gui slot 1 of {_p} with 160:14 named "&e" to nothing
make a gui slot 2 of {_p} with 160:14 named "&e" to nothing
make a gui slot 3 of {_p} with 160:14 named "&e" to nothing
make a gui slot 4 of {_p} with {_p}'s skull named "&a%{_p}%" with lore "&9&m------------------------||||&eBanka Türü||&e&m--------------||&7%{banka::tur::%{_p}%}%||||&eKayıt Tarihi: &7%{banka::kayittarihi::%{_p}%}%||&eBanka Görüntülenmesi: &7%{banka::goruntulenmesi::%{_p}%}%||||&ePara: &c&l%{banka::para::%{_p}%}%||&eLimit: &c&l%{banka::limit::%{_p}%}%" to nothing
make a gui slot 5 of {_p} with 160:14 named "&e" to nothing
make a gui slot 6 of {_p} with 160:14 named "&e" to nothing
make a gui slot 7 of {_p} with 160:14 named "&e" to nothing
make a gui slot 8 of {_p} with 160:14 named "&e" to nothing
make a gui slot 9 of {_p} with 160:11 named "&e" to nothing
make a gui slot 10 of {_p} with 160:11 named "&e" to nothing
make a gui slot 11 of {_p} with 160:11 named "&e" to nothing
make a gui slot 12 of {_p} with 160:11 named "&e" to nothing
make a gui slot 13 of {_p} with 160:11 named "&e" to nothing
make a gui slot 14 of {_p} with 160:11 named "&e" to nothing
make a gui slot 15 of {_p} with 160:11 named "&e" to nothing
make a gui slot 16 of {_p} with 160:11 named "&e" to nothing
make a gui slot 17 of {_p} with 160:11 named "&e" to nothing
make a gui slot 18 of {_p} with 160:5 named "&e" to nothing
make a gui slot 26 of {_p} with 160:5 named "&e" to nothing
make a gui slot 27 of {_p} with 160:5 named "&e" to nothing
make a gui slot 29 of {_p} with 160 named "&e" to nothing
make a gui slot 31 of {_p} with 152 named "&eHesabı Kapat" with lore "||&7Hesabı kalıcı olarak kapatmak için tıkla!" to run using left:
if {banka::kredicekmismi::%{_p}%} is false:
open virtual chest inventory with size 1 named "&eBanka / Hesabı Sil" to {_p}
make a gui slot 3 of {_p} with 159:11 named "&aONAYLA" with lore "||&eHesabındaki paran silinecek!" to run using left:
remove {_p} from {bankahesaplari::*}
delete {banka::hesapacmismi::%{_p}%}
close {_p}'s inventory
send "{@p} &aHesabını başarıyla sildin!" to {_p}
make a gui slot 5 of {_p} with 159:14 named "&cVAZGEÇ" to run function banka({_p}, "menu")
send "{@p} &cKredi Borcunu öde!" to {_p}
make a gui slot 32 of {_p} with 160 named "&e" to nothing
make a gui slot 33 of {_p} with 160 named "&e" to nothing
make a gui slot 35 of {_p} with 160:5 named "&e" to nothing
make a gui slot 36 of {_p} with 160:5 named "&e" to nothing
make a gui slot 44 of {_p} with 160:5 named "&e" to nothing
make a gui slot 46 of {_p} with 160:5 named "&e" to nothing
make a gui slot 47 of {_p} with 160:5 named "&e" to nothing
make a gui slot 48 of {_p} with 160:5 named "&e" to nothing
make a gui slot 49 of {_p} with 160:5 named "&e" to nothing
make a gui slot 50 of {_p} with 160:5 named "&e" to nothing
make a gui slot 51 of {_p} with 160:5 named "&e" to nothing
make a gui slot 52 of {_p} with 160:5 named "&e" to nothing
make a gui slot 53 of {_p} with 160:5 named "&e" to nothing
make a gui slot 30 of {_p} with 160 named "&e" to nothing
make a gui slot 19 of {_p} with 160:4 named "&e" to nothing
make a gui slot 20 of {_p} with 160:4 named "&e" to nothing
make a gui slot 21 of {_p} with 160:4 named "&e" to nothing
make a gui slot 22 of {_p} with 160:4 named "&e" to nothing
make a gui slot 23 of {_p} with 160:4 named "&e" to nothing
make a gui slot 24 of {_p} with 160:4 named "&e" to nothing
make a gui slot 25 of {_p} with 160:4 named "&e" to nothing
make a gui slot 28 of {_p} with 160:4 named "&e" to nothing
make a gui slot 34 of {_p} with 160:4 named "&e" to nothing
make a gui slot 37 of {_p} with 160:4 named "&e" to nothing
make a gui slot 38 of {_p} with 160:4 named "&e" to nothing
make a gui slot 39 of {_p} with 160:4 named "&e" to nothing
make a gui slot 40 of {_p} with 160:4 named "&e" to nothing
make a gui slot 41 of {_p} with 160:4 named "&e" to nothing
make a gui slot 42 of {_p} with 160:4 named "&e" to nothing
make a gui slot 43 of {_p} with 160:4 named "&e" to nothing
make a gui slot 45 of {_p} with 262 named "&c&l<- Önceki Sayfa" to run function banka({_p}, "menu")
if {_sayfa} is "islemmenu":
play raw sound "note.pling" at {_p} with pitch 1 volume 10
open virtual chest inventory with size 1 named "&eBanka / İşlem Menüsü" to {_p}
make a gui slot 0 of {_p} with 351:10 named "&aKredi Çek" with lore "||&7Borç Kredi çekmek||&7için tıkla!" to run function banka({_p}, "kredicek")
make a gui slot 1 of {_p} with 351:9 named "&aPara Çek" with lore "||&7Hesabından para çekmek||&7için tıkla!" to run function banka({_p}, "paracek")
make a gui slot 2 of {_p} with 351:8 named "&aPara Yatır" with lore "||&7Hesabına para yatırmak||&7için tıkla!" to run function banka({_p}, "parayatir")
make a gui slot 4 of {_p} with 335 named "&aMaaş Al" with lore "||&7Maaşını almak||&7için tıkla!" to run function banka({_p}, "maasal")
make a gui slot 8 of {_p} with 262 named "&c&l<- Önceki Sayfa" to run function banka({_p}, "menu")
if {_sayfa} is "kredicek":
play raw sound "note.pling" at {_p} with pitch 3 volume 10
open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "&eBanka / Kredi Çek" to {_p}
make a gui slot 13 of {_p} with 421 named "&eKredi Çek" with lore "||&7Limit: &c%{banka::limit::%{_p}%}%||||&aKredi çekmek için tıkla!" to run using left:
set {kredicekiyor::%{_p}%} to true
delete {paracekiyor::%{_p}%}
delete {parayatiriyor::%{_p}%}
send "{@p} &cLimit: &a%{banka::limit::%{_p}%}%" to {_p}
send "{@p} &eLütfen sohbete Kredi fiyatını yaz!" to {_p}
close {_p}'s inventory
make a gui slot 18 of {_p} with 262 named "&c&l<- Önceki Sayfa" to run function banka({_p}, "islemmenu")
if {_sayfa} is "paracek":
play raw sound "note.pling" at {_p} with pitch 1 volume 10
open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "&eBanka / Para Çek" to {_p}
make a gui slot 13 of {_p} with 421 named "&ePara Çek" with lore "||&7Bakiye: &c%{banka::para::%{_p}%}%||||&aPara çekmek için tıkla!" to run using left:
set {paracekiyor::%{_p}%} to true
delete {kredicekiyor::%{_p}%}
delete {parayatiriyor::%{_p}%}
send "{@p} &cBakiye: &a%{banka::para::%{_p}%}%" to {_p}
send "{@p} &eLütfen sohbete Para fiyatını yaz!" to {_p}
close {_p}'s inventory
make a gui slot 18 of {_p} with 262 named "&c&l<- Önceki Sayfa" to run function banka({_p}, "islemmenu")
if {_sayfa} is "parayatir":
play raw sound "note.pling" at {_p} with pitch 1 volume 10
open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "&eBanka / Para Yatır" to {_p}
make a gui slot 13 of {_p} with 421 named "&ePara Yatır" with lore "||&7Bakiye: &c%{banka::para::%{_p}%}%||||&aPara yatırmak için tıkla!" to run using left:
set {parayatiriyor::%{_p}%} to true
delete {kredicekiyor::%{_p}%}
delete {paracekiyor::%{_p}%}
send "{@p} &cBakiye: &a%{banka::para::%{_p}%}%" to {_p}
send "{@p} &eLütfen sohbete Para fiyatını yaz!" to {_p}
close {_p}'s inventory
make a gui slot 18 of {_p} with 262 named "&c&l<- Önceki Sayfa" to run function banka({_p}, "islemmenu")
if {_sayfa} is "maasal":
play raw sound "note.pling" at {_p} with pitch 1 volume 10
open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "&eBanka / Maaş Al" to {_p}
make a gui slot 13 of {_p} with 69 named "&eMaaş Al" with lore "||&a&m------||||&8Asgari Ücret: &7{@asgariucret}||||&eMaaşını almak için tıkla!" to run using left:
set {_zaman} to difference between {maas::beklemesuresi::%{_p}%} and now
if {maas::beklemesuresi::%{_p}%} is not set:
set {maas::beklemesuresi::%{_p}%} to now
execute console command "eco give %{_p}% {@asgariucret}"
send "{@p} &eMaaşını çektin!" to {_p}
banka({_p}, "maasal")
if {maas::beklemesuresi::%{_p}%} was less than 24 hours ago:
send "{@p} &cMaaşını 24 saatte bir alabilirsin!" to {_p}
send "{@p} &eKalan süre: &a%difference between {_zaman} and 24 hours%" to {_p}
set {maas::beklemesuresi::%{_p}%} to now
execute console command "eco give %{_p}% {@asgariucret}"
send "{@p} &eMaaşını çektin!" to {_p}
banka({_p}, "maasal")
make a gui slot 18 of {_p} with 262 named "&c&l<- Önceki Sayfa" to run function banka({_p}, "islemmenu")
if {_sayfa} is "krediborcu":
play raw sound "note.pling" at {_p} with pitch 1 volume 10
open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "&eBanka / Kredi Borcu" to {_p}
make a gui slot 13 of {_p} with 77 named "%{banka::borc::%{_p}%}%" with lore "||&eKredi Borcunu||&eödemek için tıkla!" to run using left:
if balance of {_p} is bigger than or equal to {banka::borc::%{_p}%}:
set {_yenilimitbelirle} to name of slot 13 of {_p}'s current inventory parsed as integer
set {_yenilimit} to "%{_yenilimitbelirle} / 2%" parsed as integer
execute console command "eco take %{_p}% %{banka::borc::%{_p}%}%"
add {_yenilimit} to {banka::limit::%{_p}%}
set {banka::borc::%{_p}%} to 0
set {banka::kredicekmismi::%{_p}%} to false
send "{@p} &eKredi Borcunu başarıyla ödedin!" to {_p}
close {_p}'s inventory
send "{@p} &cBorcu ödemek için yeterli paran yok!" to {_p}
make a gui slot 18 of {_p} with 262 named "&c&l<- Önceki Sayfa" to run function banka({_p}, "menu")
if {_sayfa} is "sifreolustur":
play raw sound "note.pling" at {_p} with pitch 1 volume 10
open virtual chest inventory with size 6 named "&eBanka / Şifre Oluştur" to {_p}
format gui slot 11 of {_p} with 339 named "0" to run function sifreolustur({_p}, "sifrebirarttir") with "left" click
format gui slot 11 of {_p} with 339 named "0" to run function sifreolustur({_p}, "sifrebirazalt") with "right" click
format gui slot 12 of {_p} with 339 named "0" to run function sifreolustur({_p}, "sifreikiarttir") with "left" click
format gui slot 12 of {_p} with 339 named "0" to run function sifreolustur({_p}, "sifreikiazalt") with "right" click
format gui slot 13 of {_p} with 339 named "0" to run function sifreolustur({_p}, "sifreucarttir") with "left" click
format gui slot 13 of {_p} with 339 named "0" to run function sifreolustur({_p}, "sifreucazalt") with "right" click
format gui slot 14 of {_p} with 339 named "0" to run function sifreolustur({_p}, "sifredortarttir") with "left" click
format gui slot 14 of {_p} with 339 named "0" to run function sifreolustur({_p}, "sifredortazalt") with "right" click
format gui slot 31 of {_p} with 76 named "&aSıfırla" to run function sifreolustur({_p}, "sifresifirla") with "left" click
make a gui slot 30 of {_p} with 145 named "&aŞifreyi Oluştur" with lore "||&eYeni Şifreni||&eonaylamak için tıkla!" to run using left:
set {_sifre1} to name of slot 11 of {_p}'s current inventory parsed as integer
set {_sifre2} to name of slot 12 of {_p}'s current inventory parsed as integer
set {_sifre3} to name of slot 13 of {_p}'s current inventory parsed as integer
set {_sifre4} to name of slot 14 of {_p}'s current inventory parsed as integer
if {_sifre1} and {_sifre2} and {_sifre3} and {_sifre4} is bigger than 0:
if {_sifre1} and {_sifre2} and {_sifre3} and {_sifre4} is smaller than 10:
set {banka::sifreolusturmusmu::%{_p}%} to true
set {banka::girisyapmismi::%{_p}%} to true
set {banka::sifre::%{_p}%} to "%{_sifre1}%%{_sifre2}%%{_sifre3}%%{_sifre4}%"
banka({_p}, "menu")
send "{@p} &eYeni Şifren oluşturuldu &a%{_sifre1}%%{_sifre2}%%{_sifre3}%%{_sifre4}%" to {_p}
wait 1 tick
add {para:%{_p}%} to {banka::para::%{_p}%}
set {para:%{_p}%} to 0
send "{@p} &cGirdiğin şifre 10'dan küçük olmalı!" to {_p}
send "{@p} &cGirdiğin şifre 0'dan büyük olmalı!" to {_p}
if {_sayfa} is "girisyap":
play raw sound "note.pling" at {_p} with pitch 1 volume 10
open virtual chest inventory with size 6 named "&eBanka / Giriş Yap" to {_p}
format gui slot 11 of {_p} with 339 named "0" to run function girisyap({_p}, "sifrebirarttir") with "left" click
format gui slot 11 of {_p} with 339 named "0" to run function girisyap({_p}, "sifrebirazalt") with "right" click
format gui slot 12 of {_p} with 339 named "0" to run function girisyap({_p}, "sifreikiarttir") with "left" click
format gui slot 12 of {_p} with 339 named "0" to run function girisyap({_p}, "sifreikiazalt") with "right" click
format gui slot 13 of {_p} with 339 named "0" to run function girisyap({_p}, "sifreucarttir") with "left" click
format gui slot 13 of {_p} with 339 named "0" to run function girisyap({_p}, "sifreucazalt") with "right" click
format gui slot 14 of {_p} with 339 named "0" to run function girisyap({_p}, "sifredortarttir") with "left" click
format gui slot 14 of {_p} with 339 named "0" to run function girisyap({_p}, "sifredortazalt") with "right" click
format gui slot 31 of {_p} with 76 named "&aSıfırla" to run function girisyap({_p}, "sifresifirla") with "left" click
make a gui slot 30 of {_p} with 145 named "&aGiriş Yap" with lore "||&eHesabına Giriş||&eyapmak için tıkla!" to run using left:
set {_sifre1} to name of slot 11 of {_p}'s current inventory parsed as integer
set {_sifre2} to name of slot 12 of {_p}'s current inventory parsed as integer
set {_sifre3} to name of slot 13 of {_p}'s current inventory parsed as integer
set {_sifre4} to name of slot 14 of {_p}'s current inventory parsed as integer
set {_sifre} to "%{_sifre1}%%{_sifre2}%%{_sifre3}%%{_sifre4}%"
if {_sifre1} and {_sifre2} and {_sifre3} and {_sifre4} is bigger than 0:
if {_sifre1} and {_sifre2} and {_sifre3} and {_sifre4} is smaller than 10:
if {_sifre} = {banka::sifre::%{_p}%}:
set {banka::girisyapmismi::%{_p}%} to true
banka({_p}, "menu")
send "{@p} &eŞifre Doğru! Hesabına başarıyla giriş yaptın." to {_p}
send "{@p} &cGirdiğin şifre yanlış!" to {_p}
send "{@p} &cGirdiğin şifre 10'dan küçük olmalı!" to {_p}
send "{@p} &cGirdiğin şifre 0'dan büyük olmalı!" to {_p}
function sifreolustur(p: Player, tiklamaturu: String):
set {_sifre1} to name of slot 11 of {_p}'s current inventory parsed as number
set {_sifre2} to name of slot 12 of {_p}'s current inventory parsed as number
set {_sifre3} to name of slot 13 of {_p}'s current inventory parsed as number
set {_sifre4} to name of slot 14 of {_p}'s current inventory parsed as number
if {_tiklamaturu} is "sifrebirarttir":
add 1 to {_sifre1}
else if {_tiklamaturu} is "sifrebirazalt":
remove 1 from {_sifre1}
else if {_tiklamaturu} is "sifreikiarttir":
add 1 to {_sifre2}
else if {_tiklamaturu} is "sifreikiazalt":
remove 1 from {_sifre2}
else if {_tiklamaturu} is "sifreucarttir":
add 1 to {_sifre3}
else if {_tiklamaturu} is "sifreucazalt":
remove 1 from {_sifre3}
else if {_tiklamaturu} is "sifredortarttir":
add 1 to {_sifre4}
else if {_tiklamaturu} is "sifredortazalt":
remove 1 from {_sifre4}
else if {_tiklamaturu} is "sifresifirla":
set {_sifre1} to 0
set {_sifre2} to 0
set {_sifre3} to 0
set {_sifre4} to 0
set name of slot 11 of {_p}'s current inventory to "%{_sifre1}%"
set name of slot 12 of {_p}'s current inventory to "%{_sifre2}%"
set name of slot 13 of {_p}'s current inventory to "%{_sifre3}%"
set name of slot 14 of {_p}'s current inventory to "%{_sifre4}%"
function girisyap(p: Player, tiklamaturu: String):
set {_sifre1} to name of slot 11 of {_p}'s current inventory parsed as number
set {_sifre2} to name of slot 12 of {_p}'s current inventory parsed as number
set {_sifre3} to name of slot 13 of {_p}'s current inventory parsed as number
set {_sifre4} to name of slot 14 of {_p}'s current inventory parsed as number
if {_tiklamaturu} is "sifrebirarttir":
add 1 to {_sifre1}
else if {_tiklamaturu} is "sifrebirazalt":
remove 1 from {_sifre1}
else if {_tiklamaturu} is "sifreikiarttir":
add 1 to {_sifre2}
else if {_tiklamaturu} is "sifreikiazalt":
remove 1 from {_sifre2}
else if {_tiklamaturu} is "sifreucarttir":
add 1 to {_sifre3}
else if {_tiklamaturu} is "sifreucazalt":
remove 1 from {_sifre3}
else if {_tiklamaturu} is "sifredortarttir":
add 1 to {_sifre4}
else if {_tiklamaturu} is "sifredortazalt":
remove 1 from {_sifre4}
else if {_tiklamaturu} is "sifresifirla":
set {_sifre1} to 0
set {_sifre2} to 0
set {_sifre3} to 0
set {_sifre4} to 0
set name of slot 11 of {_p}'s current inventory to "%{_sifre1}%"
set name of slot 12 of {_p}'s current inventory to "%{_sifre2}%"
set name of slot 13 of {_p}'s current inventory to "%{_sifre3}%"
set name of slot 14 of {_p}'s current inventory to "%{_sifre4}%"
function bankaprofil(p: player, o: String):
set {_oyuncu} to {_o} parsed as player
play raw sound "note.pling" at {_p} with pitch 1 volume 10
open virtual chest inventory with size 6 named "&eProfil / %{_o}%" to {_p}
make gui slot 13 of {_p} with {_oyuncu}'s skull named "&a%{_o}%" with lore "&9&m------------------------||||&eBanka Türü||&e&m--------------||&7%{banka::tur::%{_o}%}%||||&eKayıt Tarihi: &7%{banka::kayittarihi::%{_o}%}%||&eBanka Görüntülenmesi: &7%{banka::goruntulenmesi::%{_o}%}%" to nothing
make a gui slot 45 of {_p} with 262 named "&c&l<- Önceki Sayfa" to run function bankacilar({_p}, 1)
function bankacilar(p: player , i: number):
play raw sound "note.pling" at {_p} with pitch 1 volume 10
set {_bankacisayisi} to size of {bankahesaplari::*}
set {_sayfa::maksimum} to {_i} * ((6 - 1) * 9)
set {_sayfa::minimum} to ({_i} - 1) * ((6 - 1) * 9)
set {_sayfa::bankacilar} to 0
set {_sayfa::miktar} to 0
set {_sayfa::sayi} to {_i}
set {_sayfalar} to size of {bankahesaplari::*} / ((6 - 1) * 9)
set {_sayfalar} to "%{_sayfalar}%"
set {_sayfalar::*} to {_sayfalar} split at "."
set {_sayfa::toplam} to {_sayfalar::1}
if {_sayfalar::2} is set:
set {_sayfa::toplam} to {_sayfa::toplam} parsed as an integer
add 1 to {_sayfa::toplam}
if inventory name of {_p}'s current inventory does not contain "&0Tüm Bankacıların Listesi":
open virtual chest with size 6 named "&0Tüm Bankacıların Listesi %{_sayfa::sayi}%/%{_sayfa::toplam}%" to {_p}
loop (6 * 9) times:
set slot (loop-number - 1) of {_p}'s current inventory to air
set inventory name of {_p}'s current inventory to "&0Tüm Bankacıların Listesi %{_sayfa::sayi}%/%{_sayfa::toplam}%"
if {_sayfa::sayi} is greater than 1:
make gui slot (6 * 9 - 9) of {_p} with 262 named "&eÖnceki Sayfa" to run using left:
if {_sayfalar::1} parsed as an integer is greater than 1:
set {_sayi} to "%{_sayfalar::1} parsed as an integer - 1%"
bankacilar({_p}, {_sayi})
bankacilar({_p}, 1)
set slot (6 * 9 - 8) of {_p}'s current inventory to 160:14 named "&7"
set slot (6 * 9 - 7) of {_p}'s current inventory to 160:15 named "&7"
set slot (6 * 9 - 6) of {_p}'s current inventory to 160:15 named "&7"
make gui slot (6 * 9 - 5) of {_p} with 385 named "&eSayfayı Yenile" to run using left:
bankacilar({_p}, 1)
set slot (6 * 9 - 4) of {_p}'s current inventory to 340 named "&eTüm Bankacıların Sayısı" with lore "&7Bankacılar &8» &c%{_bankacisayisi}%"
set slot (6 * 9 - 3) of {_p}'s current inventory to 160:15 named "&7"
set slot (6 * 9 - 2) of {_p}'s current inventory to 160:15 named "&7"
set slot (6 * 9 - 1) of {_p}'s current inventory to 160:14 named "&7"
make gui slot (6 * 9 - 9) of {_p} with 262 named "&eÖnceki Sayfa" to run using left:
if {_sayfa::sayi} is greater than 1:
make gui slot (6 * 9 - 9) of {_p} with 385 named "&eÖnceki Sayfa" to run using left:
if {_sayfalar::1} parsed as an integer is greater than 1:
set {_sayi} to "%{_sayfalar::1} parsed as an integer - 1%"
bankacilar({_p}, {_sayi})
bankacilar({_p}, 1)
set slot (6 * 9 - 8) of {_p}'s current inventory to 160:14 named "&7"
set slot (6 * 9 - 7) of {_p}'s current inventory to 160:15 named "&7"
set slot (6 * 9 - 6) of {_p}'s current inventory to 160:15 named "&7"
make gui slot (6 * 9 - 5) of {_p} with 385 named "&eSayfayı Yenile" to run using left:
bankacilar({_p}, 1)
set slot (6 * 9 - 4) of {_p}'s current inventory to 340 named "&eTüm Bankacıların Sayısı" with lore "&7Bankacılar &8» &c%{_bankacisayisi}%"
set slot (6 * 9 - 3) of {_p}'s current inventory to 160:15 named "&7"
set slot (6 * 9 - 2) of {_p}'s current inventory to 160:15 named "&7"
set slot (6 * 9 - 1) of {_p}'s current inventory to 160:14 named "&7"
loop {bankahesaplari::*}:
if {_sayfa::bankacilar} is less than {_sayfa::maksimum}:
if {_sayfa::miktar} is greater than or equal to {_sayfa::minimum}:
set {_Bankacı} to "%loop-value%"
make gui slot {_sayfa::bankacilar} of {_p} with loop-value's skull named "&e%loop-value%" to run using left:
if {banka::goruntuleme::%{_p}%::%{_Bankacı}%} is not set:
set {banka::goruntuleme::%{_p}%::%{_Bankacı}%} to true
add 1 to {banka::goruntulenmesi::%{_Bankacı}%}
bankaprofil({_p}, "%{_Bankacı}%")
add 1 to {_sayfa::bankacilar}
add 1 to {_sayfa::miktar}
if {_sayfa::sayi} is less than {_sayfa::toplam}:
make gui slot (6 * 9 - 1) of {_p} with 262 named "&eSonraki Sayfa" to run using left:
set {_sayi2} to "%{_sayfalar::1} parsed as an integer + 1%"
bankacilar({_p}, {_sayi2})
if {_sayfa::miktar} is 0:
open virtual chest with size 1 named "&0Mevcut Bankacı Sayısı: &a%{_sayfa::miktar}%" to {_p}
set slot 0 of {_p}'s current inventory to 160:15 named "&7"
set slot 1 of {_p}'s current inventory to 160:15 named "&7"
set slot 2 of {_p}'s current inventory to 160:15 named "&7"
set slot 3 of {_p}'s current inventory to 160:15 named "&7"
set slot 4 of {_p}'s current inventory to 340 named "&eHenüz Bankacı bulunmamakta"
set slot 5 of {_p}'s current inventory to 160:15 named "&7"
set slot 6 of {_p}'s current inventory to 160:15 named "&7"
set slot 7 of {_p}'s current inventory to 160:15 named "&7"
set slot 8 of {_p}'s current inventory to 160:15 named "&7"
on inventory click:
if inventory name of player's current inventory contains "&0Mevcut Bankacı Sayısı: ":
cancel event
if inventory name of player's current inventory contains "&0Tüm Bankacıların Listesi":
cancel event
set {_sayfa} to "%inventory name of player's current inventory%"
replace all "&0Tüm Bankacıların Listesi " in {_sayfa} with ""
set {_sayfalar::*} to {_sayfa} split at "/"
command /banka:
if {banka::hesapacmismi::%player%} is not set:
banka(player, "ac")
if {banka::sifreolusturmusmu::%player%} is true:
if {banka::girisyapmismi::%player%} is true:
banka(player, "menu")
banka(player, "girisyap")
banka(player, "sifreolustur")
command /bankasifirla [<player>]:
aliases: bs
permission: bs.admin
if arg 1 is not set:
send "{@p} &e/bankasifirla &f<oyuncu>" to player
if arg 1 is set:
if arg 1 is online:
set {banka::goruntulenmesi::%arg 1%} to 0
set {banka::para::%arg 1%} to 0
set {banka::limit::%arg 1%} to {@limitbaslangicfiyati}
set {banka::borc::%arg 1%} to 0
set {banka::kredicekmismi::%arg 1%} to false
send "{@p} &e%arg 1%, &7oyuncusunun bilgileri sıfırlandı!" to player
send "{@p} &cOyuncu aktif değil!" to player
on quit:
set {banka::girisyapmismi::%player%} to false
delete {kredicekiyor::%player%}
delete {paracekiyor::%player%}
delete {parayatiriyor::%player%}
command /cek [<player>] [<integer>]:
if arg 1 is not set:
send "{@p} &e/cek &f<oyuncu> <fiyat>" to player
if arg 1 is set:
if arg 1 = player:
send "{@p} &cKendine çek yazamazsın!" to player
if arg 1 is online:
if arg 2 is set:
set {_arg2} to "%arg 2%" parsed as integer
if balance of player is bigger than or equal to {_arg2}:
execute console command "eco take %player% %{_arg2}%"
set {_ceksahibi} to arg 1
set {_cekfiyati} to "%arg 2%" parsed as integer
give 1 339 named "%{_cekfiyati}% TL &eÇek" with lore "||&a&m------||||&8Çeki Yazan: &7%player%||&8Çekin Sahibi: &7%{_ceksahibi}%||||&7Çeki bozdurmak için tıkla!" to player
send "{@p} &cYeterli paran yok!" to player
send "{@p} &e/cek &f<oyuncu> <fiyat>" to player
send "{@p} &cOyuncu aktif değil!" to player
on rightclick with a 339:
if lore of player's held item contains "&8Çekin Sahibi: &7%player%":
play raw sound "note.pling" at player with pitch 2 volume 10
lore of player's tool contains "&7Çeki bozdurmak için tıkla!"
set {_miktar} to name of tool
replace all " TL &eÇek" with "" in {_miktar}
set {_miktar} to name of tool parsed as integer
remove 1 of player's tool from player
execute console command "eco give %player% %{_miktar}%"
send "{@p} &eÇek bozduruldu!" to player
send "{@p} &cÇekin sahibi sen değilsin!" to player
on chat:
if {kredicekiyor::%player%} is set:
cancel event
if message is "iptal":
delete {kredicekiyor::%player%}
send "{@p} &cKredi çekimi iptal edildi!" to player
banka(player, "kredicek")
set {_fiyat} to "%message%" parsed as integer
set {_enazkredifiyati} to "%{banka::limit::%player%} / 2%" parsed as integer
set {_borc} to "%{_fiyat} * 2%" parsed as integer
if {_fiyat} is bigger than 0:
if {_fiyat} is bigger than {_enazkredifiyati}:
if {_fiyat} is smaller than {banka::limit::%player%}+1:
delete {kredicekiyor::%player%}
set {banka::borc::%player%} to {_borc}
set {banka::kredicekmismi::%player%} to true
execute console command "eco give %player% %{_fiyat}%"
send "{@p} &eBankadan &2%{_fiyat}% TL &ekredi çektin!" to player
banka(player, "menu")
send "{@p} &cGirdiğin fiyat Limiti aşıyor!" to player
send "{@p} &cGirdiğin fiyat &2%{_enazkredifiyati}% TL&c'den fazla olmalı!" to player
send "{@p} &cGirdiğin fiyat 0 TL'den fazla olmalı!" to player
if {paracekiyor::%player%} is set:
cancel event
if message is "iptal":
delete {paracekiyor::%player%}
send "{@p} &cPara çekimi iptal edildi!" to player
banka(player, "paracek")
set {_fiyat} to "%message%" parsed as integer
if {_fiyat} is bigger than 0:
if {_fiyat} is smaller than {banka::para::%player%}+1:
delete {paracekiyor::%player%}
remove {_fiyat} from {banka::para::%player%}
execute console command "eco give %player% %{_fiyat}%"
send "{@p} &eHesabından &2%{_fiyat}% TL &epara çektin!" to player
banka(player, "paracek")
send "{@p} &cGirdiğin fiyat Limit'i aşıyor!" to player
send "{@p} &cGirdiğin fiyat 0 TL'den fazla olmalı!" to player
if {parayatiriyor::%player%} is set:
cancel event
if message is "iptal":
delete {parayatiriyor::%player%}
send "{@p} &cPara yatırımı iptal edildi!" to player
banka(player, "parayatir")
set {_fiyat} to "%message%" parsed as integer
if {_fiyat} is bigger than 0:
if balance of player is bigger than or equal to {_fiyat}:
delete {parayatiriyor::%player%}
add {_fiyat} to {banka::para::%player%}
execute console command "eco take %player% %{_fiyat}%"
send "{@p} &eHesabına &2%{_fiyat}% TL &epara yatırdın!" to player
banka(player, "parayatir")
send "{@p} &cGirdiğin fiyat Paran'ı aşıyor!" to player
send "{@p} &cGirdiğin fiyat 0 TL'den fazla olmalı!" to player